Ectoparasites that live on the body and feed on human blood after piercing the skin
lice (pediculosis)
head lice
body lice
pubic lice
pediculosis capitis
pediculosis corporis
pediculosis pubis
life cycle of lice
unhatched egg(nit), three molt stages(growing), adult reproductive stage, death
live about 30-50 days
lay about 150-300 eggs per life cycle
feed on human host blood
body lice
can live much longer off of a host than head lice
head lice feed off of human blood - only last a few hours off of host
body lice can live up to 14 days off of a host; Transferred mostly through infested clothes, blankets
pubic lice
spread through intimate contact
head lice
Incidence is higher among girls. Being spread from combs and hats is not the usual mode. It is mostly hair to hair contact.
⦁ pruritus (make take 2-6 weeks to develop after exposure)
⦁ itching & scratching can lead to secondary cellulitis
⦁ pubic lice = should prompt eval for other STIs
⦁ typical lesion of body lice = macule at bite site that may develop vesicles/wheals
⦁ nocturnal pruritus = common
Observation of:
⦁ Eggs (nits)
⦁ Nymphs
⦁ Mature lice
Commonly found behind ears and on the back of the neck
Wood lamp of area
⦁ Yellow-green fluorescence of lice/nits
1st line tx for lice
permethrin (Nix)
lice treatment
- 2 mechanisms
o Neurotoxicity
⦁ Permethrin (Nix) = 1st line
⦁ Malathion
o Suffocation via “coating”
⦁ benzyl alcohol lotion (Ulesfia)
- Spinosad (Natroba) = promotes hyperexcitation & death by paralysis
Environmental control = treat all ppl in contact with infested patient (especially sexual partners), then nit combs
Sarcoptes Scabiei (scabies)
From Latin: “to scratch”
Also known as the seven year itch
Contagious infection caused by the mite Sarcoptes Scabiei.
Tiny and usually not directly visible
Parasite that burrows under the host’s skin causing intense itching
After female mite is pregnant she burrows under the skin to lay her eggs.
She lays 2-3 eggs each day for 4-5 weeks. Eggs hatch and migrate to skin surface and continue to burrow back into skin for food and protection
Mites usually contracted by close contact with infected persons or fabrics. They can only live up to 2 days off of host in sheets, bedding, fabrics.
(can’t just get scabies from touching infected person, need CLOSE contact with infected person
three most common skin disorders in children
how long before scabies pt becomes symptomatic
2-6 weeks
scabies most often transmitted by
direct skin to skin contact
Higher risk with prolonged contact
Spread rapidly under crowded conditions Nursing homes Extended care facilities Prisons Child care facilities
scabies: where are mites present, and where is rash present
MITES are usually present at wrists and fingers
RASH present in underarms, abdomen, groin, back, buttock crease, elbows, knees
classic presentation for scabies
⦁ itching*** - caused by allergic rxn to mites
⦁ itching made worse by warmth
⦁ itching usually worse at night
⦁ watch for excoriations
- look for burrowing type of lesion - linear tunnel where mite lives; skin lesions commonly in web spaces, flexor surface of wrists, axillae, waist, feet and ankles
- facial & palmoplantar involvement = unique to infantile scabies
- itching = most severe at night
- itching takes about 4-6 weeks to develop in others
- not very itchy
- all over body - warty / scales / crusts
- malodorous
- nails affected
A severe form of scabies. It will usually involve millions of mites.
Conditions that compromise cellular immunity, such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection, leprosy, and lymphoma.
The scalp, hands, and feet are particularly susceptible. If untreated, the disease usually spreads to entire skin. Scales become warty, especially over bony prominences. Crusts and fissures appear. The lesions are malodorous. Nails are often thickened, discolored, and dystrophic. Pruritus may be minimal or absent (body has shut off response)
Norwegian scabies more found in conditions such as
HTLV-1 (human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1)
diagnosis of scabies
Scraping off a tiny bit of skin; View under a microscope for mites or eggs
treatment of scabies
Apply from head to feet
Leave on for 8-14 hours then wash with soap and water
Repeat in 7 days if necessary
Safe for children as young as 1 month old and pregnancy
Treat family members & sexual partners
Can give something for the itching:
⦁ Atarax (Hydroxyzine) 10-25mg po every 4-6 hrs prn itching
⦁ Benadryl 25mg po every 4-6 hrs prn itching
steroid cream
SE of permethrin
Mild to moderate burning and stinging