lice Flashcards
lice characteristics
insect (class), species-specific, worldwide distributed, infections known as pediculoses, on host almost entire life, only leaving it to infect host of the same species + many species prefer defined regions of the host’s body
characteristics anoplura (sucking lice)
quite large (un to 5mm length), ehad smaller then thorax, move slowly and only infect mammals, mouth shaped to pierce and suck, legs with robust claws to hold on the host
mallophaga (chewing lice) characteristics
mainly infect birds, feed on fur, feather, debris from epidermis, skin secretions or blood, flat body, head larger than thorax, mouth shaped to chew, legs with robust claws to holt on the host
life cycle of lice
3 developmental stages: eggs (oval, ~1mm in length, 3 immature nymphs, adults)
cat lice: name + characteristics
Felicola subrostratus, chewing louse, pointy, triangular head, localises on face, ears and neck, life cycle completes within 30-40 days
dog lice: Heterodoxus spiniger: characteristics
Heterodoxus spiniger: chewing louse, large (5mm), slender and yellowish in colour, body covered with long and thick setae, 2 claws at the end of each leg, localises on the whole body surface
dog lice: Linognathus setosus: characteristics
sucking louse of dog and other canids, body length 2 mm after blood meal, 3rd pair of legs larger than the first 2, life cycle complete within 20-40 days, likely vector of Acanthocheilonema reconditum
dog lice: trichodectes canis: characteristics
chewing louse of dogs and other canids, small (1-2 mm), flattened and yellowish in colour with darker areas, head wider than long, life cycle completes within 30-40 days, localises on head/neck/tail and causes intense irritation, vector/intermediate host of Dipylidium caninum
lice of small ruminants: Bovicola ovis: type of louse
chewing louse, also known as Damalinia ovis
lice of small ruminants: Bovicola ovis: physical features (colour, length, head)
red-brownish, 3mm long, head as wide as long and mouth located ventrally
lice of small ruminants: Bovicola ovis: life cycle
completes within 15-20 days
lice of small ruminants: Bovicola ovis: where does it localise?
localises on shoulders and back, causes intense irritation
lice of small ruminants: Bovicola caprae & Bovicola limbata: type of lice
chewing lice
lice of small ruminants: Bovicola caprae & Bovicola limbata: physical features (colour, size, head)
red-brownish, 3mm long, head as wide as long, mouth located ventrally
lice of small ruminants: Bovicola caprae & Bovicola limbata: life cycle
15-20 days