Libertarianism Flashcards
justice of the minimal state; “self-ownership”;
• I own myself and my labor, thus policies based on these rationale
are forms of institutionalized slavery and theft.
• Others also own themselves, so it is unjust for me to forcibly coerce
them for my benefit (or to allow others to do so).
key ideas about a just society in libertarianism
freedom; policies and laws based on paternalism, moral legislation or redistribution of wealth are unjust because they violate “self-ownership”
The minimal state
enforces contracts, protects private property from theft and keeps peace
the government acting as a parent to protect people from harming themselves
ex. seat belts, helmets
moral legislation
using coercive force of law to promote notions of virtue or to express moral convictions of the majority
ex. prostitution or homosexuality
redistribution of wealth
requiring wealthier others to help the “needy” through taxation
ex. redistributing Michael Jordan’s money through taxes
examples of libertarianism
legalization of polygamy. should trans fats be illegal?, “free breast pump” with insurance premiums, selling kidneys, assisted suicide, consensual cannibalism
role of government in libertarianism
No paternalism, moral legislation, or redistribution of wealth
objections of libertarianism
taxation is not as bad as forced labor, the poor need the money more, Jordan owes debt to those who contribute to his success, Jordan consents to taxation by being a citizen, Jordan is lucky