Liberalism Key Thinkers Flashcards
When did John Locke live?
17th C (1632-1704)
What party did John Locke belong to?
The Whig party (early liberals)
What important work did John Locke contribute to Liberalism and modern society?
‘Two Treatises of Government’ 1690. The blueprint for Liberal Democracy
What were the main things that John Locke believed in?
- Rulers and citizens are subject to the law
- Gov’t should be limited by consent from below (social contract)
- Natural rights and natural laws (people are equal in rights)
- Power of reason and rationality over religion or tradition
When did Mary Wollstonecraft live?
18th C (1759-97)
What aspect of liberalism did Mary Wollstonecraft focus on?
Rights of women, she was an early feminist and very radical for her time
What important work did Mary Wollstonecraft produce?
‘A vindication of the Rights of Women’ 1792
What did Mary Wollstonecraft believe in?
- Women are no more equal or less rational than men
- Formal equality (legal and political rights in society)
- Women should be allowed to pursue a career (although poor women have always worked)
- Equality of opportunity
When did John Stuart Mill live?
19th C (1806-73)
What work did John Stuart Mill write?
‘On Liberty’ 1859
What was John Stuart Mill’s principle?
‘Harm principle’ - human beings should be free to do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t affect other people negatively, or harm other people.
What else did John Stuart Mill believe in?
- Humans motivated by pleasure, avoiding pain and bettering civilisation
- Need state intervention to protect the poor
- Flat tax on income
- Inheritance tax
- Tolerance
- Votes for women
When did John Rawls live?
20th C (1921-2002)
What was Rawls’ main concern?
Reducing inequality in society
What did John Rawls acknowledge?
In an ideal world not everyone would agree with his views but that there will be enough ‘overlapping consensus’ on the principles of a just society
What theory did John Rawls pioneer?
The ‘veil of ignorance’ theory. It can test fairness in people by making people make decisions without potentially biasing information (e.g. race, gender, sexuality…)
When did Betty Friedan live?
What was Betty Friedan’s major work?
‘The feminine mystique’ 1963
What organisation did Betty Friedan help establish?
NOW (National Organisation for Women)
What did Betty Friedan believe?
- Women were held back by society’s expectations that marriage and motherhood were sufficient
- Women should be free to pursue careers
- Reforming society, not re-shaping
Who are the 5 thinkers of Liberalism?
- John Locke
- Mary Wollstonecraft
- John Stuart Mill
- John Rawls
- Betty Friedan