Liberalism Flashcards
Meaning of negative freedom?
Negative freedom- freedom without restriction
Meaning of rational?
Rational- the belief humans are capable of logic and reason
Meaning of utilitarianism?
Utilitarianism-maximising pleasure and minimizing pain
Meaning of equality?
Equality- belief that individuals are of equal value and should be treated impartially
What are the 2 groups in Liberalism?
- Classical Liberalism
- Modern Liberalism
Who are the thinkers for Classical Liberalism?
- Locke
- Mills
- Wollstonecraft
Who are the thinkers for Modern Liberalism?
- Rawls
- Priedan
Classical Liberals view on human nature?
- Believe in negative freedom- the freedom from restrictions
- egoistical individualism = self sufficient sovereign who seeks own interest
- are judges of their own action
Classical liberals view on state?
- Would like a minimal state
- state shouldn’t interfere in economic and social life
- mechanistic theory- state is a machine created to serve the people thus there needs to be checks and balances so the state can’t discriminate or create inequality
- government based on limited government and government by consent
Classical liberal view on economy?
- Minimal state/ no interference
- economy to be led using free trade and capitalism
- individuals are rational enough to make their own economic choices
Modern liberal view on human nature?
- Believe in positive freedom- the freedom to do as you please
Classical liberal view on society?
- democracy is threat to individualism
- negative freedom in society- freedom from restriction
Modern liberal view on economy?
- aim to regulate free market
- State intervention is necessary to promote sustainable growth, limit injustice and prevent high levels of unemployment/ poverty
- state should inject money into capitalist economy through job creation schemes
- state intervention needed to maintain prosperous capitalist economy
Modern liberal view on state?
- reforms should include housing, healthcare and education
- state should promote equality of opportunity
Modern liberal view on society?
- lack of resources means some individuals will never be free
- positive freedom- freedom to do as you please
What is the social contract theory?
Contract between the people and the state where thier freedoms are not infringed upon.
What is the mechanistic theory?
The idea that the state is a machine
What was Mill’s ideas of developmental individualism?
What was Mill’s ideas of the harm principle?
The harm principle
What is negative liberty?
Negative liberty is the
What was different about John Rawls conception of the state to Locke’s?
the differnec
How did Betty Friedan change the conception of tolerance?
Name one agreement between Friedan and Wollstonecraft
Friedan and Wollstonecraft
What is Locke’s ideas on all themes? (CLASSICAL LIBERALIST)
Locke =
Human nature - humans are rational and mindful of others
State- govt is based on consent from the people, social contract theory, he said that ‘law is not abolish or restrain but to preserve and enlarge freedom’
Society- everyone has natural rights and everyone should respect the rights
Economy - private property should be respected
Wollstonecraft view on all themes (CLASSICAL LIBERALIST)
Human nature- men and women are rational beings, women are capable of reason
State- advocates for women rights and the state should ensure this and ensure equality is ensured
Society- patriarchy undermines female individualism
Economy- free women would boost a free trade economy
Mills view on themes? (Classical Liberalist)
Human nature- nature can progress
State- advocates for representative democracy with respect to rights, harm principle,
Society- advocates for society with individualism, individuals are free especially when following the harm principle
Economy- laissez faire capitalism is the route to a prosperous society
Rawls view on all themes (Modern liberalist)
Human nature- humans are selfish and have their own desires to fulfill
State- the state has a duty to aid the less fortunate
Society- condition of the poorest needs to be improved, there needs to be a veil of ignorance so that conditions like class, gender cant influence decisions, difference principle allows for people to enjoy freedom
Economy- there needs to be restrictions on free market capitalism, favored property owning democracy
Priedan views on all themes (Modern liberalist)
Human nature- humanity’s nature discourages self advancement for women, women were held back from fulfilling their potential
State- has a duty to prevent discrimination against women and create a level playing field
Society- society is patriarchal and misogynistic , individuals are entitled to equal rights
Economy- anti discrimination laws would boost the free market