Liberalism Flashcards
What is individualism
Belief individuals interests are more important than the collective
Classical liberal on individualism
Egotistical individualism - self interestedness/ reliance
Human nature is fixed and we have everything we need to flourish from birth
Modern liberals on individualism
Developmental individualism- build society to help people grow and flourish
State can intervene to help the disadvantaged
What is tolerance
Willingness to respect values customs and beliefs even if you disagree and it is a natural right all liberal believe we have
Classical liberals on tolerance
Rational individuals are capable of tolerance
Modern liberals on tolerance
Individuals are tolerant
Society will become gradually more tolerant if the majority is
Have expanded on classical maps and extended tolerance to minorities (social liberalism)
Classical liberals on freedom
People should a much freedom possible
Locked mechanistic view of gov
Mills harm principle
John Stewart mills harm principal
Humans actions should be as free a possible unless they cause serious harm
Important to tolerate others
State should only impose negative freedoms
Self regarding v other regarding
Importance of negative freedoms to classical
Beleive in a minimalist state and therefor support negative freedoms
Moderns of freedom
Positive freedoms and state interventions would allow people to flourish
Development individualism - people want to see wider societal progress
Go further on harm principle and support limits on speech and action
Agreement amongst liberals on the state
Limited gov, necessary evil,constitutionalism, checks and balances democratic and government by consent, rule of law and foundational equality
Classical liberals on the state
Night watchman, doesn’t interfere in the markets, rolling back of welfare state little/ no taxation
Modern liberals on the state
Go further call for an enabling state, positive freedoms, a limited state allows capitalism to create huge inequality welfare state needed
Classical on rationalism
Rational as we enter the social contract
Mechanistic theory
Locked Mechanistic theory
Behaviour is determined by interactions and majority of behaviour if formed by education
Most rational actions are the ones that make the most people happy
John Locke HN
Positive view people are rational and capable people are free
Tolerance in religion
John Locke the state
Social contract theory
Gov by consent
Mechanistic theory :gove serves the people
Limited government
Distribution of power
Laws preserve freedom
John Locke society
Atomism we are a collection of individuals
John Locke economy
State must respect and uphold right to private property and state must arbitrate between competition for resources and trade
Mary Wollstonecraft HN
Positive people are empathetic
Both genders are rational and it’s irrational to keep women from contributing to society
Marriage must prevent tyranny of the male which prevent people from being good citizens
mary wollstonecraft on the state
should have a republic which enshrines womens rights
all should be equal under the law and free from discrimination
formal equality
government by consent for all not just men
mary wollstonecraft on the society
society infantalised women
society could fail of it continues to ignore women
women need education to realise their potential
equality of opportunity
mary wollstonecraft on the economy
free market would be energised by women
women should be able to have a career so they arent reliant on men ( education is key)
john stuart mill on HN
positive view
developmental individualism (education)
society as a whole benefits when individuals are free to develop
liberty is an engine for development- human nature is a work in progress
higher and lower pleasure
john stuart mill on the state on the state
negative liberty
tyranny of the majority- popularity doesnt make a view correct ( representative democracy to hear all views)
despotism of custom- we must hear a range of views
limited gov
women should vote
john stuart mill on society
harm principle
property is a prism through which people develop potential
womens rights
what is despotism of custom
tendency of everyone to act the same crushes self expression there fore we must conduct experiments of living to create a diverse and liberal society
jsm on the economy
laissez faire is key to individual progress
favoured inheritance tax and a single rate “flat tax”
veil of ignorance
humans would want the best for themself is they didnt know what position they would be in society from the veil of ignorance.
john rawls on HN
people are selfish yet empathetic (individual freedom and caring for those around us)
freedom should be available equally
veil of ignorance
possessive individualism looking after others as we dont want to be in that position.
john rawls on the state
larger enabling state needed
enabling state to allow people to fulfill their potential
original position - people would select a welfare state
john rawls on society
there is an overlapping consensus of the principles of a just society
foundational equality- equal social and political rights
disitributive justices (inequality can occur if its not at the expense of the poor)
the difference principle not everyone will be equal in outcome ( gap should be minimised)
betty freidan on HN
HN jas evolved to discourage self advancement among women
human conditioning made women homemakers not biology - this made many women bored.
betty freidan on the state
state is not to blame for patriarchy culture is to blame
state should intervene and legislate to help women, positive discriminatio
if state was liberal equality for all would be possible
large state like rawls
betty freidan on society
society remains chauvinistic and some women are complicit, no issue with women being mothers being wives but there has to be choice
betty freidan on the economy
free market capitalism could be an ally of female emacncipation as long as there is legislation against sexual discrimination.
women should work in all jobs.