liberalism Flashcards
What are liberals views on state sovereingty/power
- ISS is a complex web of actors
- pools power
- rational self improvement
- favours soft/smart power
- non state actors play an important role
What is a liberalism synoptic link to support view on state sovereignty
mill - ‘states should be free to pursue own goals and cooperate for greater good’
What are examples to support liberals view on state sovereignty/power
- UAE and China, vaccine diplomacy
- France maintaining diplomatic relations with Putin
What are liberals views on IGO’s
- they establish a rules based order
- underpin international law
- pronto cooperation and action on collective dilemmas
- provide order
- effective peace making
- trade negotiations
What are synoptic links to support liberals views on IGO’s
- Rawls ‘work of IGO’s is enabling and seeks to develop human capital
- Marx ‘universal human right promote an idea of common humanity’
What are examples to support liberals views on IGO’s
- Biden democracy summit
- Biden rejoining WHO and Paris Agreement
- Glasgow COP money commitments
What are liberals views on the likelihood of war
- morals/values reduce conflict
- democracies have never been at war
- conflict is avoidable
- conflict resolution
- peace through trade
- R2P for human rights
What is a synoptic link to liberal views on likelihood of war
- Mill - R2P links to harm principle
What are examples to demonstrate liberal views on likelihood of war
- Role of UN
- Myanmar case at ICJ asserting jurisdiction
What are liberals views on the balance of power
- bipolarity - unstable due to continual power maximising
- multipolarity or benign hegemony is more stable and prefered
- push for more liberal democracies
What are examples of liberals views on balance of power
- increasing importance of BRICS challenge US hegemony
What are liberals views on regionalism
- support and promote cooperation and collective gains
What are synoptic links to demonstrate liberals view on regionalism
- burke, regional blocks are an international example of his ‘little platoons’ groups that benefit each other
What is an example of liberals views on regionalism
- au green wall
- eu Ukraine response
What are liberals views on globalisation
- positive as it connects economies together
- complex interdependence
- promotes universal political cultural and economic values
- ## recognises ability to solve shared issues
What are synoptical links to support liberals views on globalisation
- Marx ‘universal human rights promote an idea of a common humanity’
What are examples to support liberals view on globalisation
- Covid Vaccine development