Liberal Experiment- Internal and External forces Flashcards
Internal forces- When was the Weimar Consitution signed?
31st July
Internal forces- Why was proportional representation a flaw in the Weimar Political system?
The percentage of the party’s votes had a proportional percentage of seats in the Reichstag.
=Made majority difficult to reach, to pass legislation.
Internal forces- Due to the ineffectiveness of proportional representation what did the parties form?
Coalitions of multiple parties across the political system
Internal Forces- Weimar was politically diverse. How many different parties did were represented?
40 parties
Internal Forces- When was the great coalition formed `
June 1923
Internal forces- What parties formed the great coalition?
Centre Party
Internal Forces- When did the great coalition collapse?
November 1923
Internal Forces- What parties left the great coalition, which made it collapse?
Internal Forces- From 1919-1933 how many coalitions were formed, during this time?
22 coalitions
Internal Forces- How many times was Article 48 used
146 times
Internal Forces- In 1932 How many times did President Hindenburg used Article 48?
60 times
Internal Forces- What did German historian Freiderich Meineche say on a reason for the Werimar political faliure?
flaws in the constitution
weaknesses seen and attacked by society
calling it “Destroyed in dinner clubs”
Internal Forces- From when did the Spartacist leaders Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg lead uprisings in berlin?
5th- 12th January 1919
Internal Forces- 1919 how many troops marched on the Capital Berlin?
50,000 troops
Internal Forced- When was Bavaria declared a communist state? Under who?
February 1919
Kurt Eisen
Internal Forced- by 1918 how many members were in the Freikorp? how much bigger than the army was it?
4 times the size
Internal Forces- When was the Kapp Putsch?
March 13th 1920
Internal Forces- What was the reason for the Kapp Putsch revolt?
The militaristic terms of the treaty of versailles
-limited Reichswehr to 100,000 men
Internal Forces- How did historian Frtiz Stern describe the weimar political climate ?
In the politics of despair, Weimar was violated by irreconcilable enemies at home.
External Forces- WW1 reparations how much and paid when ?
$32 Billion USD
Paid 1st May 1921
External forces- When did france invade the ruhur?
11th January 1923
External forces- With many troops did the french and Belgium invade the Ruhr
External forces- excess priniting (hyperinfaltion) what was the conversion of USD to Marks in 1914 compare to 1923?
1914 1 USD = 4.2 Marks
November 1923 1 USD = 25 million Marks
External forces- When was the collapse of the Weirmar economy ? how did the german people feel?
June 1923
= peoples disenchantment with the government
External forces- What was the Stresemann economic recovery plans?
Dawes and Young Plan
External forces- What did the Dawes and Young plan do for the economy ?
loans such as ?
How did it negatively affect the Weimar economy?
1924-29 prosperity reliance foreign laons $25 Billion USD loan Made Weirmar vulnerable when the great depression hit
External Forces-Great Depression, 1933 unemployment rate. % and #
soared to 33%
6 million unemployed
External forces- What did Historian Knut Borchert describe the economic effect on German society?
what did the statement support?
“No hope for the survival of democracy after the depression”
-Weimar economy weakened due to the Versailles treaty, making the Weimer government extremely vulnerable