Libeal Reforms Flashcards
Free school meals
Meals positive
Children one decent meal a day, solved malnutrition, 1914=14 million meals served
Meals negative
Permissive, didn’t need to force, variation ( some soup some big meal)
Medical inspections
Inspections posotive
Checks what’s wrong with kids
Inspections negative
No treatment until 1912
School clinics
Clinics posotive
Provide treatment to kids, set idea for intervention, for some it did help
Clinics negative
Expensive and vary, holistic treatment( general)
Children and young person act
Young person posotive
Gave kids special status as protected and then prosecuted parents for neglect, make sure they don’t die for money, special prisons for kids, limit sale of tobacco and alcohol
Old age pensions
Pensions posotive
People over 70 get pension, 5 shillings solo, 7.6 couple, remove fear of workhouse, didn’t have to pay towards it, helped poverty, lord george, better than workhouse,
Pensions negative
70 too high, many didn’t make it until then, amount below the poverty line, refused to people who didn’t work hard enough, not universal or adequate
Labour exchanges