Disraelis Policies (1874-80) Flashcards
Artisan dwellings act 1875 success
Planned to get rid of unhealthy slums
Some towns took it on board
Artisan dwellings act 1875 problems
Lots of towns didn’t do it due to the money
Public health 1875 success
Guidance to local authorities
Clear instructions on specific issues compulsory
Public health 1875 problems
Was only consolidating other acts
Nothing new
Rivers pollution act 1875 success
Cleaner rivers to stop cholera
Started to raise awareness
River pollution 1875 problems
Didn’t specify what pollution was
Didn’t want to upset middle class used river to dump factory waste
The sale of food and drugs 1875 success
No adulterated food which led to typhoid
Possibly raised awareness
The sale of food and drugs 1875 problems
No food analysts
Local authorities didn’t order any due to money
Factory act 1874 success
Reduced hours 10.5-10
Age 13-14
Factory act 1874 problems
Didn’t achieve 9 hours
Only applied to textile factories
Only 4 inspectors
The employers and workmen 1875 success
Created contracts between employer and worker
Employer held to account
Better protection to workers
Wasn’t permissive
Employers and workmen 1875 problems
Although law could have been loop holes
Conspiracy and protection of property 1875 success
Replaced no picketing act
Allow strikes
Fairer to workers
Merchant shipping act 1876 success
Protect sailors by not overloading ships
Plim sole line
Into people’s head
Merchant shipping 1876 problems
Didn’t want to disturb trade