Lgbtq Flashcards
What does cis gender mean?
It means on the same side
The population who identifies their sex as the sex they were born with
What does transgender mean?
Means Moving across
What is the preferred term when referring to an individuals physical or emotional attraction to the same or opposite gender?
Sexual orientation
What is this:
one’s basics sense of being male or female or other genders, refers to one’s psychological sense of their gender?
Gender identity
What is this? How a person present themselves in the world, their characteristics in appearance, personality, behavior culturally defined as masculine or feminine.
Gender expression
What do you call people who identify differently from their biological sex?
What is a person who physically transitions from male to female or vice versa?
For a child that is experiencing gender dysphoria it is important to know what?
It is important to know that it will most likely disappear and go away early before puberty or early in puberty
What is the estradiol dosage for male to female transition?
2 mg
How long will it take to see all the changes from hormones for a male to female transition?
Takes about two years to see all the changes from hormones
Spirnolactone is given to which transitioning gender?
It is given to males for female transitions
What is finasteride used for and what should be monitored?
Finasteride is used to treat BPH but also blocks the bodies production of a male hormone that causes the prostate to enlarge. Liver toxicity should be checked
The hormone testosterone has an affect on what in relation to diabetes?
It can increase insulin resistance
Obtain baseline hemoglobin A-1 C, hematocrit and lipid profile.
When a female is transitioning into a male, menses will stop usually by how many injections?
Menses usually stopped by the second or third injection
What are the two requirements needed for a person to undergo trans gender reassignment surgery?
2 Letters of recommendation by mental health specialist.
Hormone treatment and real life test for one year
A transgendered woman is who?
A male that has undergone female transition
For trans women/men what is the screen recommendation for chlamydia and gonorrhea?
Screen at least annually for patients 25 years or younger and those at an increased risk
 What is the recommendation for syphilis for trans women/men?
Screen at least annually for patients at increased risk
Screen for hepatitis c in trans women/men for those at increased risk and also individuals born between what years and how often?
For patients born between 1945 and 1965 and at least once in their lifetime
For trans women and men, what ages should be offered HIV testing in primary care? 
Patients ages 13 to 64
For trans women/men, pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for hiv can be given for individuals weighing how much?
At least 35 kg
For trans women, what are the breast cancer screening recommendation?
Screen every two years for those over 50 and at least 5-10 yrs of feminizing hormone therapy
For trans women, what is the recommendation for DIgital rectal exams of the prostate?
Digital rectal examination of the prostate annually after age 50
What is the recommendation for prostate specific antigen screening for trans women?
It is not recommended
Routine screening for prostate for trans women is not recommended if a patient is what? 
If patients are over the age of 70, and have a life expectancy less than 10 years
Trans men is who?
Patient has undergone female to male transition
For patients who are a trans women and have a neovagina, what maybe used for visualize for an anatomically appropriate visual exam?
An anoscope because they may have a posterior orientation that an a natal vagina
For trans men, using testosterone can cause what affects on the vagina?
It can cause erythema and atrophy
In examining a trans man pelvically, what are some considerations to use during exam? 
List 3
May need to use a topical anesthetic
Use smaller speculum
Use small water based lubricant
in trans men, unable to tolerate speculum exam what can be done?
If all else fails, consider self admin vaginal swab for Hpv testing
For trans men that retain a cervix, what is the pap recommendation?
List age and frequency
Persons aged 21 to 65, obtain baseline pap at diagnosis, then at 12 mon, if 3 consecutive normal paps, then do every 3 years
What are the recommendations for routine ovarian and endometrial cancer in transmen?
It’s not recommended
What is the recommendation for Trans men who have breast tissue even if it has been removed?
What’s the age and how often?
Breast cancer screening every 2 years for average risk individuals ages 50-74
For trans men, what is the screening recommendation for musculoskeletal health for age 50 and 60?
At age 50, start screening if pt has been on testosterone therapy for more than 10 yrs. Otherwise start at 60
Why ask her patients whether they identify as male, female or something else?
Because it can be framed as a part of culturally competent care