Geriatrics Flashcards
What does Cupid stand for in regards to aging process
C is cumulative, structural and functional changes are this
U is for universal aging
P is for progressive
I is for intrinsic to basic biology
D is detrimental
What is senescence? 
Passing of biological time
Organic process of aging
The general definition of a geriatric person is someone older than what age?
Older than 55
What is the concept longevity determination mean?
The normal period of operation for a persons life, controlled by genetics
What are activities of daily living? Name some
They are activities that are essential elements of self-care.
Bathing, dressing, toileting, transfers, grooming, feeding
What are instrumental activities of daily living? List some 
They are associated with independent living in the community and can serve for a basis of the types of services needing to maintain independence
Shopping, preparing meals, using the telephone, driving in transportation, handling on finances, administering a medication, housekeeping and laundry
To assess gait
What question should be asked?
Have you fallen in the past year?
What test is used to assess gait? 
The timed “up and go” test or TUG
Describe the TUG test
This is a simple test: you instruct the patient to rise from the chair, Walk for 10 feet, turn back and return to the chair and sit down again.
A negative test result for the tug test is how many seconds?
Less than 10 seconds or less.
11-20for frail elderly and disabled
What are two questions to ask a elderly patient to screen for depression?
Have you been feeling down, depressed or hopeless?
Have you lost interest or pleasure in doing things?
Describe the mini cognitive exam
You will ask the patient to remember three words unrelated to each other and repeat them. You’ll have the patient draw clock with a specified time. And then have them repeat the three words you said in the beginning
The mini cognition exam is extremely accurate at predicting what? 
Is extremely accurate at predicting if someone has dementia
If a patient does not recall any of the three words or if they recall only one or two words and drawn abnormal clock what is the determination of this result?
A person has dementia
What is considered a positive predictive value of malnutrition?
Elderly Weighing below 100 pounds
What is the question is should ask patients when assessing nutrition?
Have you lost 10 pounds over the past six months without trying to do so?
What is a normal score for the mini cog test?
What are the four key terms and assessing for alcohol intake using their cage questionnaire?
C is for cut
As is for annoy
 G is for guilt
E is for eye opening
What are three of a higher risk medication groups associated with polypharmacy
Benzodiazepines, anticholinergics, and conventional antipsychotic medication
The medical study of the aging process is called what
What is the study of disease that affects elderly?
Young old term is associated with what age range?
65 to 74 years
What age range is old considered?
75 to 84 years
Oldest old is in what range?
85 and older
What is important to know about Medicare coverage in regards to The USPSTF stringent evidence guidelines?
Medicare will only pay for A and B level recommendations that meet the USPSTF guidelines 
What does the acronym spices for in regards to geriatric syndrome markers?
Sleep disturbances Problems with eating or feeding Incontinence Confusion Evidence of falls Skin breakdown
A standard diagnosis of dementia requires two of the following to be present: 
Memory impairment Communication language impairment Inability to focus or pay attention Reason and judgment impairment Visual perception impairment
Polypharmacy is defined by a patient taking how many medications?
It is a fine by patient taking five or more medications. This increases the risk of adverse drug reactions
Healthcare providers to use the beers criteria as a guy for prescribing it all settings except which two?
Hospice and palliative care
End-of-life preparation should be discussed in which settings?
Animal office visits, when entering the hospital, or when undergoing an outpatient procedure
 What brief nutrition tool can be used to assess a geriatric patients nutrition?
Mini nutritional assessment, it is six questions
What are two big safety concerns for the prevention of enduring the older adult?
Safe removal of firearms and prevention of falls
What are three tools you can use to assess alcohol use?
Michigan alcohol screening test (MAST)
Cage questionnaire
Alcohol use disorder identification test (AUDIT) 
A state of confusion adults that has an abrupt onset?
dementia or delirium
What types of medications are used in dementia?
Cholinesterase inhibitors such as Donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine 
What is important to know about cholinesterase inhibitors in regards to the management of dementia and what are the three medications used?
They reduce the breakdown of acetylcholine which sustains over level of neurotransmitter in the brain to promote brain function
Donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine
When a patient presents with confusion with the three main differential diagnoses?
Delirium and dementia and depression
Which of the three differentials of confusion is a medical emergency?
 Confusion that is abrupt in onset but short-lived can indicate what?
Transient ischemic attack TIA
The presence of a fever can indicate what two things in relation to older adults?
Infection or alcohol withdrawal
Describe the mini mental state exam
Ask what the date is,
have them repeat three words you say
ask them to name an object
Have them read and follow instructions
What is the least useful assessment tool used to identify a patient with delirium?
The mini mental state examination
The sense of smell is often impaired in which confusional state?
Apraxia which is the impaired ability Carriott motor activities despite and talk motor function is associated with which confusional state?
What exam is useful and confirm the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease?
Pet scan also called positron emission tomography scan
If the onset of confusion is sudden which confusional state is this associated with, dementia or delirium?
In delirium, the condition is persistent but has not been present for no longer than how long?
Than one month
The presence of delusions or hallucinations is associated with which confusional state?
It is associated with delirium, it can occur in late stage dementia
Apraxia, which is the impaired ability to carry out motor activities despite intact motor functions is associated with which confusional state?
Is associated with dementia
Aphasia which is a language disturbance. Apraxia which is impaired ability to carryout motor activities despite intact motor function. Agnosia is the failure to identify or recognize objects despite intact sensory function are all associated with confusional state
What is aphasia?
language disturbance
What is apraxia?
Impaired ability to carry out motor activity despite intact motor function
What is agnosia? 
Failure to identify or recognize objects despite into sensory function
 What is defined as relieving pain without dealing with the cost of the condition?
What does palliative care focus on?
It focuses primarily on anticipating, preventing, diagnosing, and treating SYMPTOMS experienced by patients with a series or life-threatening illness and helping patients and their families make medically important decisions