LG#2 : Methods of Philosophizing - Informal Fallacies : EXAMPLES (1st Grading Period) Flashcards
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
“I’m the best man for the job. Anyone who says otherwise is in for a world of hurt.”
“I guess you will be testifying that I am innocent tomorrow.
After all, neither of us wants anything to happen to your children, do we?”
Appeal to Force (Argumentum ad Baculum)
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
“Student to Professor: “But, I really NEED to pass this class. I need this class in order to graduate this semester, and I can’t afford to pay for more classes in the future. I already work 60 hours a week and supporting four children all by myself, and I’m barely scraping by as it is. You should give me a passing grade.” “
Appeal to Pity (Argumentum ad misericordiam)
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
Speaker: “Vote for my candidate! Vote for AMERICA! Everybody say ‘Yeah’!”
Crowd: “Yeah!”
Speaker: “I can’t hear you! I said, Everybody say ‘Yeah’!”
Crowd: “YEAH!!”
Appeal to the People (Direct)
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
“Really? You don’t own a car? But EVERYONE owns a car.”
Appeal to the People (Indirect; Bandwagon Argument)
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
“You should buy a Ferrari. That’s what Tom Cruise drives.”
Appeal to the People (Indirect; Appeal to Vanity)
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
“You should accept the offer at the summer internship.
How many people actually get accepted into that program?
SO many apply, and only a few get in. You’ve got a one in a million opportunity right in front of you—I can’t believe you’re even considering turning it down.”
Appeal to the People (Indirect; Snoberry)
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
PEGGY: “I think you should slow down a little bit.”
SUE: “Well, you’re an idiot.”
Argument Against the Person (Abusive)
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
“Of COURSE my opponent is arguing against taxation of the rich. Just look at him! He’s the richest person in town. There’s no way someone like that could
argue anything else.”
Argument Against the Person (Circumstantial)
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
PEGGY: “You shouldn’t eat fast food. I hear it’s really bad for you and could lead
to health complications.”
SUE: “Whatever! You eat fast food all the time!”
Argument Against the Person (“You Too”, Tu Quoque, Hypocrisy)
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
POLICE OFFICER: “Are you lost? Where’s your Mom and Dad? Talk to me.”
CHILD: “I can’t talk to strangers.”’
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
PEGGY: “I’m just saying that nuclear energy would provide a lot of energy in a clean way,
so we should at least consider it as an option.”
SUE: “Oh, so you’re in favor of nuclear war? Is that what you want? For all of the countries to be nuking each other until we’re all dead? How ridiculous!”
Straw Man
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
“Our daughter got all D’s this semester at D University. Every single professor there should be fired!”
Missing the Point
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
PEGGY: “The scientific community is in unanimous agreement.
We are altering the climate, and if we continue on our present course, the results will be disastrous. Climate change is a real problem in this world.”
SUE: “You know what’s a problem in this world? People just believing everything they hear. People will believe just about anything, as long as it’s said on television.”
Red Herring
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
“Dr. Alex Santos, our child’s pediatrician, has stated that the creation of muonic atoms of deuterium and tritium hold the key to producing a sustained nuclear fusion reaction at room temperature. In view of Dr. Santos’ expertise as a pediatrician, we must conclude that this is indeed true.”
Appeal to Unqualified Authority (Argumentum ad Verecundiam)
What kind of Fallacy is stated?
“No one has ever been able to prove the existence of extrasensory perception.
We must therefore conclude that extrasensory perception does not exist.”
“No one has ever been able to prove that extrasensory perception does not exist.
We must therefore conclude that extrasensory perception exists.”
Appeal to Ignorance (Argumentum ad ignorantiam)