LG 1.14 - Anatomy of Gluteal/Popliteal Regions Flashcards
What muscles from the gluteal region insert at the greater trochanter?
Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Piriformis Obturator internus Inf and sup gemellus
Name the O/I/I/A of Gluteus Maximus
O: External Ilium Sacrum
I: Iliotibial Tract, Gluteal tuberosity
I: Inferior Gluteal Nerve L5, S1,S2
A: Powerful extensor of flexed femor at hip
Name the O/I/I/A of Gluteus Medius
O: Ilium
I: Greater Trochanter
I: Superior Gluteal Nerve
A: Hip abductor, flex, internal rotation
Name the O/I/I/A of Gluteus Minimus
O: Ilium
I: Greater Trochanter
I: Superior gluteal nerve
A: Hip abductor, flex, internal rotation
Name the O/I/I/A of Tensor Fascia Lata
I: IT- Tract
I: Superior Glutela nerve
A: Hip abductor, flex, internal rotation
Name the O/I/A of Piriformis
O: Ant. Sacrum
I: Greater Trochhanter
A: Lateral Hip rotation
Name the O/I/I/A of Quadratus Femoris
O: Lateral Border Ischial Tuberosity
I: Intertrochantic crest
A: Lateral Hip rotation
Insertion of the superior Gemellus
Ischial spine
Insertion of the inferior gemellus
Ischial tuberosity
Name the O/I/A of Obturator internus
O: Interior surface of obturator
I: Greater trochanter
A: Lateral Hip rotation
What passes through the Greater Sciatic foramen?
Superior gluteal nerve (superior) Piriformis Inferior gluteal nerve (inferior) Sciatic nerve (inferior) Pudendal nerve (inferior) Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh (inferior
What passes through the lesser sciatic foramen
Pudendal nerve
Obturator internus tendon