lexis Flashcards
common noun
general and don’t need capital letters unless starting a sentence
proper noun
specific objects, people or things
concrete noun
can be touched (physical)
abstract noun
feelings and states of being
base adjective
plain adjective
‘-er’ suffix added to make a comparison
‘-est’ suffix added
4 categories of adverbs
- place
- frequency
- time
- manner
relative pronoun
links noun to a cause (who, which, when)
demonstrative pronoun
direct attention towards something (this, those, that)
describes words with the same sound
eg. there, their, they’re
describes words with same spelling
eg. ‘I read that book’ and ‘I like to read’
describes words with everything the same
eg. ‘I can throw that can in the bin’
dynamic verb
actions that can start and end
can be material or verbal
material verb
concerned with events