Level 8 Integration in valuation models Flashcards
Name four steps when integration ESG into valuations

Name a few ESG examples of topics affecting the PL
Card 1/2

Name a few ESG examples of topics affecting the PL
card 2/2 (COSTS)

Name examples of ESG topics affecting the CASH FLOW statement

Name topcs that will affect the terminal value?

What is teh definition of a stranded asset?
Name a few causes why an asset can be stranded?

Name a few thing that could affect the Discoutn Rate, risk premium and/or perpetuity growth rate

What is the value of integrating ESG in the bond analysis?

What are the focus of integrating ESG into the credit analysis

What ESG factors should be considered when analysing ESG Sovereign

What ESG factors should be considered when analysing ESG Sovereign

What ESG factors should be considered when analysing ESG Sovereign

Name a few ESG issues that need to be condsidered in an infrastructure project

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