Level 3 Flashcards
To pay, provide money for, cover the cost or expenses of.
- TACITURN (TAS-i-turn)
Silent, not talkative, holding one’s tongue, habitually silent and withdrawn. Synonyms: reserved, uncommunicative, reticent. Antonyms: garrulous (Level 4, Word 8), loquacious, effusive, voluble (Level 5, Word 1). Related word: tacit (Level 2, Word 9), unspoken, done or made in silence.
- TERSE (rhymes with curse)
Brief and to the point, free of superfluous words, expressed in a pointed and polished way. Synonyms: concise, pithy, succinct, laconic (Level 3, Word 18). Antonyms: long-winded, redundant, verbose (Level 2, Word 30), prolix (Level 9, Word 1). Beastly mispronunciation: suh-SINGKT for succinct. Take care to pronounce the double C like KS: suhk-SINGKT.
- BOON (rhymes with moon)
A blessing, timely and welcome benefit, something beneficial bestowed upon one, something to be thankful for. Additional useful words: yore, time long past; supplicant, a person who begs for something; supplication, the act of begging for something humbly and earnestly; archaic, old-fashioned, of a former time.
The working class, especially the industrial wageearning class, which earns its living by manual labor, the lowest and poorest class of people in society. Corresponding adjective: proletarian, of or relating to the working class.
- HETEROGENEOUS (HET-uh-roh-JEE-nee-us)
Varied, composed of parts of different kinds, made up of unrelated or diverse elements, mixed, dissimilar, miscellaneous. Antonym: homogeneous (HOH-moh-JEE-nee-us). Useful information: The prefix homo- means same, similar, like; the prefix heteromeans other, different, unlike.
- PITTANCE (PIT’ns, rhymes with admittance)
A small amount, portion, or share, especially a small or meager amount of money. Memory aid: Think of the pit of a fruit, which is . small and hard, and you’ll easily remember that a pittance is a small amount of money that is hard to live on.
- GLIB (rhymes with rib)
Smooth-spoken, speaking in a ready, fluent manner, with natural or offhand ease, talkative in a nonchalant way. Synonyms: suave, facile, bland, voluble (Level 5, Word 1), flippant, unctuous. Useful information: The synonym unctuous means having a slimy, slippery, or smarmy manner; self-serving and insincere. Additional useful word: unguent, a medicinal ointment, salve.
- PENCHANT (PEN-chint)
A liking, leaning, strong inclination, decided taste. Synonyms: propensity, proclivity.
- SOLICITOUS (suh-LIS-i-tus)
Concerned, showing care and attention, especially in a worried, anxious, or fearful way. Usage tip: In the above sense, solicitous may be followed by the prepositions of, for, or about. When used to mean eager, full of desire, willing, solicitous is followed by the preposition to. A Dictum on Diction: Useful words: dictum: a formal pronouncement, official opinion or decree (plural, dicta). diction: choice of words, manner of expression (also, vocal expression, enunciation). apposite (AP-uh-zit): both relevant and appropriate.
Usage tips 1:
1) Irregardless is not a legitimate word. Use regardless or irrespective. 2) Use peruse to mean to read carefully and critically, examine closely, read through to the end (not skim, browse, dip into or glance through). 3) Don’t use reticent to mean reluctant. A reluctant person is hesitant, disinclined, unwilling to do something. A reticent person is reluctant to speak 4) Loathe and loath: When you are loath to do or say something, you are reluctant almost to the point of aversion or disgust. The verb to loathe means to hate, despise. Loath rhymes with both; the TH in loathe is pronounced like the TH in other 5) Emulate and imitate: To imitate is to follow the example of, take as a model. To emulate means to strive to equal or excel.
To limit, restrict, confine, hem in, fix the boundaries of (literally, to draw a line around). Related words: circum- means around. You can see this combining form in the words circumstance; circumcision; circumvent, to go around, bypass, especially in a clever or resourceful way; circumlocutory, expressed in a roundabout way; and circumnavigate, to navigate or sail around.
- DEARTH (rhymes with earth)
A lack, scarcity, insufficiency, inadequate supply of something needed. Synonym: paucity (Level 10, Word 2). Antonyms: abundance, surplus, excess, superfluity, plethora, surfeit.
- INGRATIATING (in-GRAY-shee-ay-ting)
Flattering, attempting to win approval or curry favor, trying to gain acceptance, done to charm or please another. Synonym: unctuous. Usage tip: Dictionaries and thesauruses often give charming, pleasing, and agreeable as synonyms of ingratiating, but today the word invariably has the negative suggestion of insincerely charming, pleasing or agreeable so as to gain approval or get into the good graces of another.
- MERCENARY (MUR-suh-ner-ee)
Greedy, done for payment only, motivated by a selfish desire for money or other reward. Synonyms: covetous, avaricious (both discussed in Level 2, Word 40). Additional related word: venal, corruptible, capable of being bribed or bought off. Corresponding noun: mercenary, a hired soldier, one who fights not for a cause or for love of country but for money.
- EXTEMPORIZE (eks-TEM-puh-ryz)
To improvise, to speak or compose with little or no preparation or practice, perform something in an offhand or unpremeditated way. Corresponding adjective: extemporaneous (eks-TEM-puh-RAY-nee-us), spoken or composed with little or no preparation or practice.
- ERUDITE (preferably, ER-uu-dyt or AIR-uu-dyt; commonly, AIR-yoo-dyt)
Learned, scholarly, possessing extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books. Corresponding noun: erudition (preferably ER- or AIR-uu-DISH-un; commonly, AIRyoo-DISH-un), extensive knowledge acquired from reading books. Usage tip: erudite may be used either of people or things.
Severe, serious, characterized by strict selfdiscipline or severe self-denial, stern in appearance, manner, or practice. Synonyms: somber, grim, grave, forbidding, dour (rhymes with poor).
- LACONIC (luh-KAHN-ik)
Using few words, briefly and often bluntly expressed. Synonyms: succinct, concise, pithy, succinct, terse (Level 3, Word 3).
- AMELIORATE (uh-MEEL-yuh-rayt)
To make or become better or more tolerable, raise the condition or state of. Synonyms: improve, amend, correct, reform, rectify. Usage tip: Ameliorate is used chiefly of improving something that needs help because it is inferior, oppressive, or intolerable.
To erase, delete, cancel; punch, strike, or wipe out something completely so it appears as though it had never existed. Synonyms: eradicate, obliterate.
- CIRCUMSPECT (SUR-kum-spekt)
Careful, cautious, wary, watchful, carefully considering all circumstances before acting or making a judgment. Synonyms: discreet, vigilant, prudent (Level 1, Word 47).
- QUIESCENT (kwy-ES-int)
Still, quiet, tranquil, inactive, at rest or repose. Antonyms: vigorous, animated, sprightly, vivacious, ebullient. Related words: latent, which applies to something that has not yet been revealed; dormant, which applies to something inactive or that seems asleep. Connotation: Quiescent suggests a temporary cessation of activity, a period of rest or repose.
- FOIBLE (FOY-buul)
A weak point, slight fault or flaw,,-minor failing, especially a (usually forgivable) weakness in a person’s character. Etymology: By derivation foible means the weak part of a sword, and it is related to the word feeble, weak, frail.
- FERVENT (FUR-vint)
Passionate, having or showing great warmth or intensity of feeling, fiery, earnest, impassioned. Synonyms: vehement, ardent, fervid, zealous. Antonyms: lukewarm, listless, apathetic, indifferent, impassive, phlegmatic (fleg-MATik). Fervent suggests great warmth and earnestness. Fervid is stronger and suggests intense, even violent emotion.
To draw out, drag out, extend in time, lengthen, prolong, especially to excess. Antonyms: abbreviate, condense, curtail, truncate (Level 7, Word 5). It suggests drawing or dragging something out needlessly, often to the point of irritation or boredom
Showy, extremely conspicuous, extravagant, flamboyant; specifically, displayed or done in a flashy, vain manner. Antonyms: simple, plain, modest, unassuming. N.B. This discussion distinguishes the words pretentious, pompous, and ostentatious, all of which refer to persons or things that are showy, extravagant, and self-important.
- QUANDARY (KWAHN-duh-ree)
A state of uncertainty, perplexity, or doubt. Synonyms: predicament, dilemma.
- CENSURE (SEN-shur)
To blame, condemn, find fault with, criticize harshly, express stern disapproval of. Synonyms: denounce, reprimand, reprehend. Antonyms: commend, extol, laud. Connotation: Censure usually implies condemnation of irresponsible behavior rather than condemnation of character. Usage tip: Be careful not to confuse the words censure, to blame, condemn, find fault with, and censor (SEN-sur), to suppress or delete something objectionable.
To criticize or complain unnecessarily, point out petty flaws, raise trivial or frivolous objections. Synonyms: nitpick, niggle, carp, quibble. (All these words suggest making unnecessary criticisms or complaining about trivial things.)
- ASSIMILATE (uh-SIM-i-layt)
To absorb, take in; also, to adapt to or become absorbed by a system or culture. Synonyms: comprehend, incorporate, appropriate. Fewer and Less. Less modifies quantities, abstractions, things that are considered single or whole (less food, less time, less money). Fewer modifies things that can be itemized, enumerated, broken down into separate elements or parts (fewer thoughts, fewer words, fewer mistakes).
To cancel, take back, take away, remove; also, to render void, annul, repeal.
- DISCERNIBLE (di-SURN-i-buul)
Recognizable, detectable, perceptible, capable of being recognized by the senses or by the mind. Synonyms: apparent, evident, distinguishable, manifest. Antonyms: obscure, invisible, indistinct, imperceptible. Challenging synonyms of discernment include astuteness, acumen (uh-KYOO-min), and perspicacity (PUR-spi-KAS-i-tee).
- CATACLYSM (KAT-uh-kliz’m)
A disaster, great mishap, catastrophe, violent upheaval. N.B. This discussion distinguishes the synonyms disaster, catastrophe, calamity, debacle (di-BAHK’l), and cataclysm, all of which refer to accidents, misfortunes, and sudden or violent changes. Additional useful words: deluge (DEL-yooj), a great flood or downpour; inundate (INun- dayt), to overflow or overwhelm.
Self-love, excessive admiration of oneself. Synonyms: vanity, conceit, egotism, amour-propre (ah-MOOR PROH-pruh). Antonyms: humbleness, modesty, humility. Related words: narcissist, a person afflicted with narcissism, self-love; narcissistic (adjective) means full of admiration for one’s own appearance, abilities, or achievements.
- INCRIMINATE (in-KRIM-i-nayt)
To charge with a crime, accuse of wrongdoing, implicate, present evidence or proof of involvement in a wrongful act.
A mark of shame or disgrace, a moral blemish, a stain on one’s character or reputation. Later it came to be used of anything that branded a person as unwholesome or disgraceful, a mark of shame, stain on one’s character or reputation. Corresponding verb: stigmatize, to brand as shameful, set a mark of disgrace upon. N.B. The plural of stigma is either stigmas or stigmata (preferably STIG-muh-tuh, often stigMAH-tuh). Additional useful word: anglicize, to make English, conform to English modes of spelling, pronunciation, and usage.
- BREVITY (BREV-i-tee)
(1) Shortness, briefness. (2) Brief expression, shortness of speech. Synonyms: (sense 2) conciseness, succinctness, terseness, pithiness.
- PERQUISITE (PUR-kwi-zit)
A benefit, incidental gain or reward; specifically, an expected or promised benefit, privilege, or advantage received in addition to one’s normal salary or wages.
- INDIGENT (IN-di-jint)
Poor, needy, penniless, impoverished, down-and-out. Synonyms: destitute, impecunious (IM-pi-KYOO-nee-us).
- CLAIRVOYANT (klair-VOY-int)
Having exceptional powers of perception, unusually clear-sighted or discerning; specifically, able to see objects or events that others cannot, having extra-sensory perception or the power of divination. Related words: clairvoyance (noun), exceptional insight or perception; clairvoyant (noun), a person who supposedly possesses the power to see into the future, a medium, soothsayer.
Skillful, clever, dexterous; specifically, showing skill in using one’s hands or in using one’s brains. Synonyms: deft, resourceful, ingenious, artful, adept (Level 1, Word 7). Antonyms: awkward, clumsy, inept, maladroit (mal-uh-DROYT). People who are ambidextrous are equally skillful or dexterous with both hands. The unusual word ambisinister means literally having two left hands, equally awkward with both hands. In French gauche means left, but also crooked, awkward, clumsy; in English gauche refers to a person who is awkward, crude, or blundering, or to behavior that lacks culture or social grace. Usage tip: Adroit may refer either to physical dexterity or mental ingenuity.
- PLATITUDE (PLAT-i-t(y)ood)
A flat, dull, ordinary, remark, a trite statement or hackneyed saying, especially one uttered as if it were original or profound. Synonyms: cliche, truism, bromide (BROH-myd). Related words: platitudinous (adjective) refers to speech or expression that is dull, ordinary, commonplace, insipid, banal. Platitudinize (verb) means to utter platitudes. A platitudinarian (noun) is a person who habitually utters platitudes-flat, dull, ordinary remarks.
- FASTIDIOUS (fa-STID-ee-us)
(1) Extremely delicate, sensitive, or particular, especially in matters of taste or behavior. Synonyms: dainty, fussy, finicky, overnice. (2) Hard to please, extremely picky or demanding, exacting, critical to a fault. Etymology and usage: Fastidious descends from Latin words meaning squeamish, disgusted, disdainful, and conceited. The fastidious person is so excessively concerned with details that he may become squeamish or disgusted if things are not just right. The fastidious person may also be so hard to please, so critical and demanding, that she appears contemptuous of others. N.B. This discussion distinguishes the words scrupulous, meticulous, punctilious, and fastidious, all of which suggest demanding standards and careful attention to detail.
- VENDETTA (ven-DET-uh)
A bitter, protracted feud or rivalry. Related word: vindictive, vengeful, seeking a revenge.
- LUCID (LOO-sid)
(1) Clear, easy to see or understand, plainly expressed. (2) Clear of mind, mentally sound, rational, sane. Synonyms: (sense 1) intelligible, comprehensible, limpid, perspicuous (pur-SPIK-yoous). Antonyms: murky, obscure, befuddled, nebulous (Level 2, Word 5), ambiguous (Level 2, Word 25), abstruse. Related word: pellucid (pe-LOO-sid), exceptionally clear, extremely easy to see or understand.
- SALIENT (SAY-lee-int)
Conspicuous, noticeable, prominent; sticking or jutting out. Synonyms: protruding, manifest, obtrusive, protuberant. Antonyms: inconspicuous, unassuming, unobtrusive, indiscernible, unostentatious. Salient may apply to things that are conspicuously attractive or unattractive.
Absolute, unqualified, explicit; without exceptions, conditions, or qualifications. Antonyms: ambiguous (Level 2, Word 25), doubtful, dubious, indefinite, enigmatic, equivocal. Usage: Categorical refers to statements or assertions that are absolute, unqualified, direct and explicit. The word often suggests a statement or state of mind that is rigid, narrow, arrogant, or arbitrary.
- INSCRUTABLE (in-SKROO-tuh-buul)
Incomprehensible, unfathomable, extremely difficult to understand, not open to investigation or analysis. Synonyms: mysterious, impenetrable, esoteric, arcane (ar-KAYN). Antonyms: lucid (Level 4, Word 45), perspicuous. Related words: scrutinize, to investigate, examine closely; scrutiny, a close examination.
To interpret, explain the meaning or intention of. Related words: construct, construction.
To refer to something indirectly, make a casual reference. Synonyms: suggest, hint, insinuate, intimate (IN-ti-mayt). Antonyms: indicate, specify, detail, enumerate. Corresponding noun: allusion, an indirect, casual, or passing reference.