Level 1 Flashcards
- PARAPHRASE (PAR-uh-frayz)
To restate, put what someone else has expressed into different words.
- OSTENSIBLE (ah-STEN-suh-buul)
Apparent, appearing or seeming to be true, professed or declared as true without being demonstrated or proved. Synonyms: plausible, specious.
- DIGRESS (di-GRES or dy-GRES)
To wander, stray from the point, ramble, deviate, go off in another direction. Corresponding noun: digression. Related words: ingress, the place you walk in, the entrance; egress, the place you walk out, the exit. Additional useful word: archaic (ar-KAY-ik), old-fashioned.
- UNCANNY (uhn-KAN-ee)
Eerie, strange, weird, mysterious.
- CANDOR (KAN-dur)
Frankness, openness, sincere expression. Synonyms: straightforwardness, outspokenness, forthrightness, ingenuousness (in-JENyoo-us-nis). Corresponding adjective: candid, frank, open, sincere. Synonyms of candid include forthright and ingenuous.
Gloomy, moody, glum, grumpy, ill-tempered, depressed. Synonyms: sullen, dolorous, lugubrious, saturnine. Antonyms: optimistic, jovial, sanguine. Corresponding noun: moroseness. Additional useful word: misanthropy, hatred of humankind.
Skilled, handy. Synonyms: clever, able, deft, expert, dexterous, proficient, adroit. Corresponding noun: adept (AD-ept), a highly skilled person, an expert.
- SATURATED (SACH-uh-ray-tid)
Soaked, drenched, thoroughly wet, full of moisture. Synonyms: steeped, permeated, impregnated, imbued, sodden. Corresponding noun: saturation.
- PRAGMATIC (prag-MAT-ik)
Practical, having to do with actual practice, concerned with everyday affairs as opposed to theory or speculation.
- CONGENIAL (kun-JEE-nee-ul)
Sympathetic, agreeable, having the same taste, nature, or temperament. Synonyms: compatible, kindred, harmonious.Antonyms: alien, dissident, incongruous (in-KAHNG-groo-us).
Unpredictable, tending to change abruptly for no apparent or logical reason. Synonyms: flighty, changeable, impulsive, fickle, erratic, whimsical, volatile, mercurial. Antonyms: stable, reliable, unwavering, steadfast, abiding. Corresponding noun: caprice, a sudden change of mind or change in the emotions.
Noisy, disagreeably or offensively loud, boisterous, clamorous; also, sticking out in aglaring way, obtrusive, flagrant.
- OBLIGATORY (uh-BLIG-uh-tor-ee)
Required, necessary, binding, mandatory. Antonyms: optional, voluntary.
- NEGLIGIBLE (NEG-li-juh-buul)
Unimportant, trifling, of little consequence. Synonyms: trivial, insignificant
- ADAMANT (AD-uh-mint)
Unyielding, immovable, inflexible, refusing to give in. Synonyms: unshakable, unrelenting, implacable.
- SPORADIC (spor-RAD-ik)
Occasional, infrequent, irregular, not constant, happening from time to time, occurring in scattered or random way. Antonyms: constant, incessant, unremitting.
The forefront of an action or movement, leading position or persons in a movement.
- CONCUR (kun-KUR)
(1) To agree, be in accord with, unite in opinion. (2) To act together, combine in having an effect. (3) To happen together, occur at the same time, coincide.
- PRECOCIOUSNESS (pruh-KOH-shus-nis)
Early development or maturity, especially in mental ability.Antonym: retardation. Corresponding adjective: precocious.
Apart, at a distance, removed, withdrawn, not wishing to speak or associate with others. Synonyms: unsympathetic, unapproachable, standoffish, indifferent.
- CREED (KREED, rhymes with seed)
Belief, professed faith or opinion, especially a system of religious belief. Synonyms: doctrine, dogma, credo (KREE-doh or KRAY-doh). Related words: incredible, credible, credulous. Credulous means willing to acceptsomething as true without questioning. Credulous and gullible are synonymous.
- TAWDRY (TAW-dree)
Cheap and showy, gaudy, garish, sleazy.
- PEEVISH (as spelled, PEE-vish)
Irritable, cross, complaining, fretful, ill-humored and impatient, difficult to please, full of complaints. Corresponding noun: peeve, something that irritates or annoys.
- ARDUOUS (AHR-joo-us)
Very difficult, hard to achieve or accomplish, requiring great effort. Synonyms: strenuous, laborious, toilsome.
- REASONABLE (PUR-suh-nuh-buul)
Attractive, pleasing in appearance. Synonyms: handsome, comely, fair, presentable. Usage tip: Avoid using personable to mean having nice personality. Sociable, affable, and amiable already suggest people who are friendly, pleasant, and approachable. An awkward or unbecoming person, no matter how friendly and pleasant, cannot correctly be personable. Reserve personable either for someone who is attractive in appearance or attractive both in appearance and personality.
- RESOLUTE (REZ-uh-loot)
Firmly determined or settled, resolved, having a set opinion or purpose. Synonyms: steadfast, unwavering, persevering. Antonyms: irresolute, unsteady, vacillating. Corresponding verb: resolve, to decide, determine, settle once and for all.
An assumption, theory, hypothesis, conjecture.
- ARBITRARY (AHR-bi-trair-ee)
(1) Unreasoned; based on personal feelings or preferences rather than on reason, logic, or law; making discretionary judgments or decisions that may or may not be fair orreasonable. (2) Determined or arrived at in a random or illogical manner. (3) Exercising unrestrained or absolute power. Related words: Arbiter and arbitrator both mean a judge or umpire who makes a final decision or resolves a dispute.
- MONOTONOUS (muh-NAH-tub-nus)
Lacking variety, tediously uniform, unvarying and dull; literally, having one continuous sound or tone. Etymology tip: The prefix mono- means “one, single,” as in the related words monogamy, monocle, and monogram.
- LEGACY (LEG-uh-see)
Something handed down from the past. Synonyms: inheritance, bequest.
- MANIFOLD (MAN-i-fohld)
Numerous and varied, consisting of many kinds, containing many elements, features, or characteristics. Synonyms: multifarious, multitudinous.
- PLIANT (PLY-int)
Bending easily, flexible. Synonyms: adaptable, workable, pliable, supple.
A quick reply, especially one that is cutting or witty. Synonym: rejoinder.
- OBSTINATE (AHB-sti-nit)
Stubborn, inflexible, unwilling to give in or compromise, not yielding to argument or persuasion. Synonyms: hidebound, intractable, intransigent, adamant (Level 1, Word 15).
- LACERATE (LAS-ur-ayt)
Literally, to tear, cut roughly, rend, mangle. Figuratively, to wound, afflict, cause pain.
- OMNIPOTENT (ahm-NIP-uh-tint)
All-powerful, almighty, having unlimited power or authority. Etymology tip: The element omni- means “all,” as in omnidirectional, omnipresent, and omniscient (ahm-NISH-int), all-knowing.
- UNSCRUPULOUS (uhn-SKROO-pyoo-lus)
Untrustworthy, dishonorable, deceitful, corrupt, lacking integrity or moral principles. Related words: scruple, something that causes hesitation or doubt in determining what is appropriate and proper; scrupulous, having scruples-hence, taking pains to do something exactly right.
- RENAISSANCE (ren-uh-SAHNS orREN-uh-sahns)
A revival, renewal of life or vigor. Synonyms: rebirth, resurgence
- GENESIS (JEN-i-sis)
A coming into being, beginning. Synonyms: origin, birth, creation.
- WARRANT (WAH-rint or WAR-int)
(1) To justify, give good reason for, authorize, sanction. (2) To guarantee, promise, give formal assurance of. Related word: unwarranted, without good reason or authorization, unjustifiable.
Difficult to deal with, disagreeable, argumentative, quick to quarrel or to exhibit ill will. Synonyms: contentious, malicious, irascible (i-RAS-uh-buul).
Disrespectful in a frivolous way, treating something serious in a trivial manner. Synonyms: cheeky, fresh, thoughtless, impertinent. Antonyms: solemn, sober, sedate, grave.
- SUBJUGATE (SUHB-juh-gayt)
To conquer, defeat, vanquish, overwhelm completely, bring under rigid control, make submissive, dominate, enslave. Corresponding noun: subjugation.
- WRY (like rye, rhymes with why)
Twisted, crooked, lopsided, askew, distorted in an odd, amusing way.
Polished, sophisticated, suave, cosmopolitan. Related word: urban, pertaining to or living in a city. Urbane suggests the polished sophistication of a city dweller.
Specialized and often pretentious language; unnecessarily complex phraseology; speechor writing that is highly technical and difficult to understand; specifically, obscure language or a private vocabulary used and understood only by members of a particular group or profession.
(1) Cautious, careful, planning wisely, exercising sound judgment in practical matters. Synonyms: discreet, circumspect (Level 3, Word 21).(2) Spending carefully, using one’s resources wisely. Synonyms: thrifty, economical, frugal (Level 2, Word 35). Related words: provide, provident (Level 4, Word 1).
- INVIOLABLE (in-VY’l-uh-buul)
Secure; safe from assault, infringement, or destruction. Synonyms: sacred, untouchable, unassailable, incorruptible.
- COMMODIOUS (kuh-MOH-dee-us)
Spacious, having plenty of room, comfortably convenient. Synonyms: ample, capacious (kuh-PAY-shus). Related words: commode, accommodate, accommodations.
- PROXIMITY (prahk-SIM-i-tee)
Nearness, closeness, the state of being in the vicinity of something. Usage tip: Avoid using the common phrase “close proximity.” It’s a redundancy. Proximity means closeness; therefore “close proximity” means “close closeness.” Drop close and let proximity do its work alone.