Level 3 Flashcards
Give me an example of when you have acted with integrity?
I was working on a business rates valuation and found tone in the scheme to reduce the rateable value. However, the property details were incorrect and if they were amended on the assessment, even with the tone applied the rateable value would increase. I acted with integrity as I did not put my clients liability at risk in the event of personal and company financial benefit.
Tell me about when you have provided a high standard of service.
Tell me about how you have promoted trust in the profession.
Explain how you have taken responsibility in your current role.
Tell me about how you treat clients with respect.
I take my time to answer and consider their questions being asked. I aim to provide facts and reports to the best of my ability to ensure the client understands the work being undertaken. I respond in a professional and timely manner and overall communicate with respect.
Tell me about how you treat other surveyors with respect.
I take my time to answer and consider their questions being asked. I aim to provide facts and reports to the best of my ability to ensure the surveyor understands the work being undertaken. I respond in a professional and timely manner and overall communicate with respect.
Explain the key steps you would take if you decided to set up in practice as a sole trader after qualifying.
If a prospective purchaser offered you a financial incentive to accept their offer, explain how you dealt with this.
What would you do if you were asked by a client to reduce a fee proposal to win new work?
I would decline the request and report the incident to my director. I would refer to the Bribery Act 2010 and act in accordance to guidance.
What would you do if you became suspicious that a client was involved in money laundering?
I would submit a suspicious activity report to national crime agency.
What would you do if you became suspicious that a client was involved in terrorist activities?
I would submit a suspicious activity report to national crime agency.
If you were to set up in practice on your own, tell me about the types of insurance you would need.
Public liability insurance which covers injuries and damage claims brought against your business by a third party.
Professional indemnity insurance - a commercial policy designed to protect you and your business against claims for financial loss or damage that are made by a client or other third party individuals.
Employers liability insurance - help you pay compensation if an employee is injured or becomes ill because of the work they do for you.
Ashwater Forge – how did you act competently?
I conducted a thorough inspection, making detailed notes and taking sufficient photographs. I reflect on the work I had undertaken and its impacts and provided my advice clearly and concisely. I provided additional detail relating to the mezzanine which they disputed I inspected and provided my advice based on that area.
Ashwater Forge - Why could you not place an appeal?
I could not place an appeal at check stage as I found the factual details of the property to be accurate. I even found the mezzanine had an adjustment for the lack of hand rail, of which upon my inspection was present. Therefore, i advised my client that there were no grounds to reduce the rateable value on the property details.
Blackpole TE – how did you act with integrity?
I was instructed by my client and was not under contract by any of the other companies occupying space at Blackpole trading estate. I found an angle to reduce my clients liability which would have resulted in third parties being left with rates bills, of which it is agreed in the rent to cover. By being honest with my client and providing advice on how to proceed, I acted fairly and did not take unfair advantage on others.
Blackpole TE - How did you ensure you acted fairly and respectfully?
I considered the third parties invlvement in the appeal. I was able to give advice to my client on how to act considering the current conditions of there agreements, with the third parties covering a proportion of buisness rates in their rent. If i had advised my client to place the split appeal without any consideration of the agreements, that would have been unfair and disrespectful to the third parties.