level-2-lesson-29-more-all Flashcards
한국어를 더 잘하고 싶어요.
I want to be better at Korean.
지금도 잘해요.
You are already good at it.
No, I am not.
그럼 더 열심히 하세요.
Then do it (more) harder.
all, entirely, whole
전화 다 했어요?
Did you finish talking on the phone? = Did you make all the phone calls? = Did everyone make a phone call?
준비 다 했어요.
I did all the preparation. = I prepared everything. = I finished the preparation. = All of us are prepared.
더 보여 주세요.
Show me more. = Show me more of it.
더 공부하고 싶으면, TTMIK에 오세요.
If you want to study more, come to TTMIK. = If you want to do more studying, come to TTMIK.
I want to be better at Korean.
한국어를 더 잘하고 싶어요.
You are already good at it.
지금도 잘해요.
No, I am not.
Then please study harder.
그럼 더 열심히 하세요.
all, entirely, whole
Did you finish talking on the phone? = Did you make all the phone calls? = Did everyone make a phone call?
전화 다 했어요?
I did all the preparation. = I prepared everything. = I finished the preparation. = All of us are prepared.
준비 다 했어요.
Show me more. = Show me more of it.
더 보여 주세요.
If you want to study more, come to TTMIK. = If you want to do more studying, come to TTMIK.
더 공부하고 싶으면, TTMIK에 오세요.