level-2-lesson-25-something-someday-someone-somewhere Flashcards
여행 좋아해요?
Do you like traveling?
네, 좋아해요. 어딘가로 떠나는 거 좋아해요.
Yes, I do. I like leaving to go somewhere.
저도 여행 정말 좋아해요. 항상 어딘가로 떠나고 싶어요.
I also really like traveling. I always want to leave to go somewhere.
뭐 샀어요? (stress is on 뭐)
What did you buy?
뭐 샀어요? (stress is on 샀어요)
Did you buy something?
언제 중국에 갈 거예요? (stress is on 언제)
When are you going to go to China?
언제 중국에 갈 거예요? (stress is on 갈 거예요?)
Are you going to go to China someday/one of these days?
어디 가요? (stress is on 어디)
Where are you going?
어디 가요? (stress is on 가요?)
Are you going somewhere?
오늘 뭐 배웠어요? (stress is on 배웠어요?)
Did you learn something today?
오늘 뭐 배웠어요? (stress is on 뭐)
What did you learn today?
Do you like traveling?
여행 좋아해요?
Yes, I like. I like leaving to go somewhere.
네, 좋아해요. 어딘가로 떠나는 거 좋아해요.
I also really like traveling. I always want to leave to go somewhere.
저도 여행 정말 좋아해요. 항상 어딘가로 떠나고 싶어요.
What did you buy?
뭐 샀어요? (stress is on 뭐)
Did you buy something?
뭐 샀어요? (stress is on 샀어요)
When are you going to go to China?
언제 중국에 갈 거예요? (stress is on 언제)
Are you going to go to China someday/one of these days?
언제 중국에 갈 거예요? (stress is on 갈 거예요?)
Where are you going?
어디 가요? (stress is on 어디)
Are you going somewhere?
어디 가요? (stress is on 가요?)
Did you learn something today?
오늘 뭐 배웠어요? (stress is on 배웠어요?)
What did you learn today?
오늘 뭐 배웠어요? (stress is on 뭐)