Level 2 - Client Care Flashcards
N. What is Client Care?
The process of identifying all client types and the behaviours appropriate to establishing good relationships, along with the systems of procedures for managing the client care process, all within the public interest.
N. Give me an example of a excellent client care?
Development Database:
Within the Land Development Team I am required to review and log the assets within Tarmac’s landholding that may have development potential. This has included creating a database to store the information gathered. At the initial instruction I agreed what the timescales would be for the project. Throughout the process I held regular meetings with the Client to update them on progress made, and to understand whether they were agreeable to the format of the database. The Client requirement changed and they needed the data to be reported in a paper format in addition to the database spreadsheet. I was responsive to this and the format of the database was subsequently amended.
N. How do you deal with Customer Complaints?
Log the complaint in the complaints handling Blog.
Raise the complaint with my immediate manager.
If this cannot be resolved its raised to a director further up in the business. If this still cannot be resolved it is referred to the property ombudsman.
N. How do you act upon feedback from a Client?
• Feedback should be formally recorded in some way, i.e. Client Satisfaction Questionnaires.
• If feedback is negative, it should be verified and necessary action taken.
• If a formal approach is required, this should follow the Complaints Handling Procedure.
N. If a Client was prepared to pay you in advance for services you or your company were providing, how would you ensure that it was dealt with?
• I would that a Client account is set up, in line with the rules of Conduct for firms: Handling Client Money.
• I would issue a statement of the account once it has been set up.
• I will agree with the Client how the monies will be drawn down.
• I would issue a revised statement every time I draw down money.
• Once the works are complete, I would provide the Client with a reconciliation of the account, identifying when the monies were drawn down etc.
N. If you were going to set up a business and operate as a Chartered Surveyor, what insurance would you need to put in place.
• Professional Indemnity insurance.
N. How do you choose your PI Provider?
• RICS publishes a list of approved providers.
N. What other insurance would you need to have if you had your own premises?
• Employers Liability Insurance.
• Third party Liability Insurance.
N. Can you give me more detail on what Employers Liability Insurance covers?
• Covers employers for compensation claims against you by employers for accidents or illness that occur during their work.
N. Can you tell me more detail on what Third Party Liability Insurance covers?
• Covers you against actions of a third party.
N. How do you refer a Client to your Complaint Handling Procedure?
• It should be included within the Terms & Conditions of the contract to the Client.
N. What would you do if the internal redress you have provided to the Client for a complaint is rejected?
• I would refer them to a third party redress system, usually run by an Ombudsman.
N. You mention Ombudsman, what is this?
• An official who is appointed to investigate individual’s complaints against a company or organisation.
N. What will the RICS investigate?
• They will investigate a firm/person if they believe the service they are providing falls short of the standards outlined in the Global Professional Ethical Standards and the Rule of Conduct.
N. what might the shortfalls be?
• Failure to utilise a Complaints Handling Procedure.
• Failure to disclose a Conflict of Interest
• Misuse of Clients Money.
• Failure to answer correspondence.
N. You mention a Conflict of Interest, can you give me an example of a Conflict of Interest and how you would deal with it?
• An example of a conflict of interest would be providing a service for both the Client and the Contractor on the same job. I would make both Clients aware that I was providing a service to both of them. However I would also consider my position, as even if both Clients agree for me to proceed, they might not fully understand the extent of the situation. Therefore I would likely politely decline to provide a service to both parties.
N. Why would you use a Key Performance Indicator?
• To provide a quantifiable measurement to assist parties in the construction.
• To ensure that the Clients requirements are met, and if not why.
N. What are the five steps for setting up a successful Key Performance Indicator Process?
• Planning, to clearly establish what needs to be improved.
• Analysis, to gather data and determine how big the task of achieving the KPI is.
• Action, to develop and implement improvement plans.
• Review, to monitor actual performance against performance targets.
• Repeat.
N. How do you establish your Clients Objectives?
• Client Questionnaires.
• Key Performance Indicators.
• Pre-start meetings.
• Brenchmarking.
• Good, clear communication.
N. Who are the Clients you have identified within your working career?
• External Clients.
• Internal Clients.
• Public.
N1. What is Client Care?
The process of identifying all client types and the behaviours appropriate to establishing good relationships, along with the systems of procedures for managing the client care process, all within the public interest.
N2. What are the Principles of Client Care?
• The concept of identifying the different clients, and the behaviours appropriate to establishing good client relationships.
• Identifying client key drivers for projects.
• Good Communication.
N3. What does good client care require?
• A clear understanding of the client’s objectives and aims.
• A professional approach.
• Clear, concise communication.
• A quality assurance policy.
• Complaints handling procedure.
• Professional Indemnity Insurance.
N4. What is a quality assurance policy?
A statement of the company’s desired level of quality for a service or product.
N5. What is ISO 9001?
A Quality Management System, which helps to manage and monitor quality across the business.
N6. How are firms supposed to look after Clients?
By Maintaining:
• Professional Indemnity Insurance.
• Complaints Handling Procedure.
• A procedure for handling clients money if applicable.
N7. What is a Complaints Handling Procedure?
A system of dealing with formal complaints against a company/person, for which there is a formal redress system.
N8. How does a Complaints Handling Procedure work?
- Complaints are directed to the Quality Assurance Officer, who will log the complaint in the Complaint Log.
- A timescale for redress is put in place.
- An Internal Redress is provided to the complainant.
- If this redress is not adequate, then the complaint is referred to an external third party for redress.
- Steps should then be put in place the ensure that the complaint does not arise again.
N9. What is included within the Complaints Log?
• Date.
• Location.
• Details of Complaint.
• Actions taken.
• Close out date.
N10. What are two ways of ensuring complaints do not occur?
• Proactive measures, whereby Questionnaires are issued to clients, to try and pre-empt where complaints may occur, putting in place measures to ensure they don’t.
• Reactive measures, whereby when a complaint is received, steps are taken to ensure the complaint doesn’t occur again.
N11. How do you receive feedback from Clients?
- Personal Development Plans
• Key Performance Indicators.
N13. How do you establish a Client’s objectives?
• Have a pre-start meeting with them.
• If there is still ambiguity then have further meetings/correspondence to clarify.
N14. What do you clarify with regards to a clients objectives?
• Time
• Cost
• Quality
• Desired final product.
• Functionality
• Clients aspirations and goals for the project.
• Key Performance Indicators.
N15. . How do you ensure Clients are covered financially for work undertaken by yourself?
• By Maintaining Professional Indemnity Insurance.
N16. What is PI Insurance?
A form of insurance that covers for claims against professional negligence.
N17. How should PI work?
• It should be on an each and every claim basis.
• Retrospective, i.e. the current insurer will have to pick up claims for negligence before they were the insurer.
• Should have runoff cover the cover old work. RICS minimum of 6 years, however should cover the extent of contracts durations.
N18. What are the RICS PI level recommendations?
• Up to £100,000.00 turnover requires a minimum of £250,000.00 PI cover.
• £100,000.00 to £200,000.00 turnover requires a minimum of £500,00.00 PI Cover.
• Over £200,000.00 turnover requires a minimum of £1,000,000.00 PI Cover.
• Amount of PI cover should be proportional to risk.
N19. What else does RICS publish relating to PI Insurance?
• List of approved brokers.
• Minimum wording policy.
• Black Book, Construction Insurance.
N20. What should be included within your company’s Complaints Handling Procedure?
• Who the Quality Assurance Officer is and their contact details.
• A request complaints be made in writing.
• Stages of the Complaints Handling Procedures.
• The timescales for reviewing a complaint.
N21. What appointment documents does the RICS publish?
• RICS Standard Form Consultant Appointment.
• RICS Short Form Consultant Appointment.
N22. What should be included within a consultant appointment?
• Parties to the Contract.
• Scope of work.
• Fees.
• How payment will be calculated.
• Dispute resolution Procedure/Method.
• Provisions for Termination.
• Define Responsibilities.
N23. Does the RICS Publish Fee scales?
No, banned in 2000 as they were deemed to be un-competitive.
N24. What would you do if the Client wanted to take legal action against a Main Contractor?
• Check my contract to see if this was included within my scope of works.
• If not then I would advise the client that this would come at additional cost to them.
N25. What is a Client Brief?
A clear statement of the Clients desired level of quality, functionality and cost.
N26. What makes up a Client Brief?
• Project Definition/Background.
• Time
• Cost
• Quality.
• Statement of Need including what the end product needs to achieve.
• Define Project success criteria, i.e. in the form of Key Performance Indicators.
• Strategic Brief, identifying the clients aspirations, goals and objectives for the project.
N27. What is a Net Contribution Clause?
A clause where more than one party is liable for the fault of another.
N28. What are the Issues with Net Contribution Clauses?
• They make parties liable for other parties mistakes which is out of your control.
• The contracting party Is only liable for fair and reasonable apportionment.
N29. Who are stakeholders?
• Anyone one who can affects, is affected by or is perceived to be effected by a project.
N30. What is Stakeholder Management?
• Getting stakeholders involved early on, to help them set the goals and objectives for the project.
• Keep in regular contact, with clear concise communication.
N31. Why is Stakeholder Management essential?
• To help to develop and control relationships with all individuals who are impacted by a project, to help achieve project success.
N32. What is P I Insurance?
Professional Indemnity Insurance.
N34. To be a RICS Regulated firm, what does you P I Insurance have to be?
On an Each and Every Claim Basis.
N35. What are the RICS PII Insurance Recommendations?
- £100,000.00 turnover = £250,000.00 minimum cover.
- £100,000.00 – £200,000.00 turnover = £500,000.00 minimum cover.
- £200,001.00 plus turnover = £1,000,000.00 minimum cover.
N36. What is the RICS recommended limit of excess?
- Up to £500,000.00
- Or 2.5% of the Insured sum.
N38. Does the RICS publish anything relating to Insurance?
• Yes, Black Book Guidance note on Construction Insurance.
N39. What is Contractors All Risk Insurance?
• Insurance which covers parties for the physical loss or damage to building works.
N40. What is Employers Liabilities Insurance?
• Insurance which cover employees for death, injury or illness incurred from work activities.
N41. What is Public Liability Insurance?
• Covers the cost of claims made by members of the public for incidents that in connection with a business activity. It will compensate a third party for personal injury, loss or damage of property.