Level 2 Beauty Therapy Unit 202. Flashcards
Something which has the potential to cause harm
The likelihood with which the hazard will cause harm
Risk assessment
The formal process of identifying hazards, evaluating the nature of the hazard, the likelihood of risk, who is at risk and identifying ways to minimise / eliminate the risk.
Risk assessment
A legal requirement under the Workplace Health & Safety Management Regulations.
Must be formally written if there are 5 or more employees.
Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
The umbrellas act under which all other health & safety legislation falls.
Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
Required the employer to provide a safe working environment.
Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
Requires the employee to:
Use safe working practices at all times.
Follow all legislation & workplace health & safety policies.
Safeguard their own health & safety & that of others within the workplace.
Work with the employer with regard to Health & Safety matters to enable them to comply with all legislation.
Work within your own level of responsibility & limitations.
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
These regulations require employers to make formal arrangements for maintaining and improving safe working practices under the Health and Safety at Work Act
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
Employers must make sure all employees are trained competently to carry out their job and that risks in the workplace are monitored on an ongoing basis.
This is known as a risk assessment, which must be carried out by a trained member of staff.
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
Findings of risk assessments must form the basis of workplace policies & procedures.
Risk assessments must be formally written if there are 5 or more employees.
HSE - Health & Safety Executive
The government body responsible for promoting workplace health & safety and enforcing Health & Safety law.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.
Requires the employer to report certain work place incidents / accidents to the HSE - if an injured employee has required more than 3 days off work, certain diseases, dangerous occurrences.
RIDDOR Employer responsibilities
To ensure all reportable incidents are reported to the HSE.
To ensure all information regarding workplace accidents is correctly reported.
RIDDOR Employee responsibilities
To prevent any work related diseases by wearing PPE.
To report any work related diseases to the person responsible for Health & Safety
To report any accidents at work.
To prevent accidents by following safe working practices and maintaining a tidy environment.
Provision of Work Equipment Regulations
The regulations state the duties for the employer and the person using the equipment.
All equipment is covered, whether old or new.
PUWER Employer Responsibilities
To provide employee’s with training in the use of equipment to ensure it is used as intended.
To make sure the equipment is properly build and fit for use (kept in good working order & correctly maintained).
PUWER Employee Responsibilities
To ensure you know how to use salon equipment properly & safely – do not use equipment you have not been trained to use.
To use equipment only for it’s intended purpose & follow manufacturers instructions.
(Health, Safety & Welfare) Workplace Regulations
Legal requirements for:
Maintenance of workplace equipment
Ventilation and indoor temperatures
Cleanliness and handling of waste materials
Workstation and flooring, facilities for staff to rest and eat, drinking water, sanitary conveniences.
(Health, Safety & Welfare) Workplace Regulations- Employer Responsibilities
Maintain the workplace & it’s equipment in good working order.
Regulate the temperature (min 16 degrees Celsius, optimum in a beauty room is 20 degrees Celsius, there is no upper limit).
Ensure room size & layout are appropriate for the number of staff.
Ensure sufficient lighting & ventilation
Ensure walkways & exits are clear of hazards
Provide toilets and hand washing facilities (with hot water)
Provide drinking water and facilities for staff to rest, eat meals & change clothing.
Provide a secure area (or lockers) for employee’s belongings.
(Health, Safety & Welfare) Workplace Regulations- Employee Responsibilities
Ensure all walkways and exits are free of hazards / obstructions.
Ensure you are aware of fire evacuation procedures.
Prevent contamination through regular cleaning of your workspace and tools / equipment & the use of hygienic working practices.
Keep the workplace tidy and free of hazards to prevent accidents.
Ensure all lights are working.
Report any issues you are unable to deal with to your employer.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Relates to the control of hazardous and harmful substances.
It relates to the safe storage, handling, usage and disposal of the products (SHUD)
May include use of PPE / special storage facilities.
Must observe hazard symbols & follow manufacturers instructions .
Manufacturer Safety Data Sheets - must be available / used to produce COSHH risk assessment.
COSHH - Employer responsibilities
To ensure Health & Safety information sheets (MSDS) are available for substances & chemicals in the workplace.
To ensure chemicals are disposed of according to local bye-laws & with respect to the environment.
To ensure safe storage facilities for chemicals in the workplace.
To ensure staff are provided with appropriate PPE & trained in it’s use where risk assessment identifies the need.
COSHH - Employee responsibilities
To follow manufacturers instructions in relation to SHUD.
To read & follow manufacturers instructions, local bye laws and salon policy in relation to the use of chemicals within the workplace.
To know there to find the Health & Safety information sheets (MSDS).
To correctly use PPE where appropriate.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations
A set of rules for businesses to follow when it comes to the risks that can be involved when manual handling occurs to ensure a straight forward, standardised way of managing risks in the workplace. Wherever there are risks, the regulations apply.
Manual Handling
Is defined as “any transporting of a load by hand or bodily force”. In other words, if you are ever moving or holding something without the use of a machine, then you are carrying out manual handling.
an object, person or animal.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations - Employer responsibilities
To carry out risk assessments for all manual handling activities specific to each employee.
To provide manual handling aids where appropriate end ensure employees are trained and competent in their use.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations - Employee responsibilities
To ensure you do not lift beyond your capabilities – ask for help when required.
To use correct manual handling techniques including the use of manual handling aids (only if trained in their use).
Safe lifting techniques
Bend knees / keep back straight / keep load close to body / push up using legs
Electricity at Work Regulations
These regulations concern the use and maintenance of all electrical equipment in the workplace.
Equipment must be handled with caution, used correctly, maintained in a condition suitable for use and checked & tested on a regular basis.
PAT Test
Portable Appliance Test.
Annual safety test carried out by a qualified electrician.
Appliance will have a sticker indicating Pass / Fail & next test date
All appliances with cable & plug must be tested.
Electricity at Work Regulations - Employer Regulations
Ensure electrical equipment is in safe working condition.
Ensure an annual PAT test by a qualified electrician (records kept for insurance purposes).
Ensure equipment is visually checked by employees before each use.
Electricity at Work Regulations - Employee Regulations
Do not use any equipment unless you are trained to do so.
Use appliances correctly, for their intended purpose & switch them off after use.
Carry out routine visual checks daily.
Avoid overloading plug sockets.
Label faulty equipment as ‘faulty’, remove it from use & report it to your employer / supervisor.
Not to use faulty equipment.
Fire Safety – The Regulatory Reform Order 2005
Requires all premises to have basic standards of fire prevention & control & an emergency escape route.
Every business must carry out a fire safety risk assessment to assess how to prevent a fire and how to control it should one occur – reviewed annually.
Risk assessment must identify fire risks, the people at risk, evaluate, reduce or remove risks to protect people, record, plan, inform and instruct staff and be reviewed.
Fire Safety – The Regulatory Re
form Order 2005 - Employer Regulations
Carry out a full fire risk assessment.
Ensure all fire exits are unlocked, have fire exit signs and are easy to access.
Train staff in fire evacuation procedures & ensure they are practiced.
Supply & maintain suitable fire fighting equipment.
Fire Safety – The Regulatory Re
form Order 2005 - Employee Regulations
Know the location of fire fighting equipment.
Know which types of fire fighting equipment are to be used on which fires.
Know the evacuation procedure and the location of the meeting point for staff and clients.
Fire Fighting Equipment - Class A / Water Extinguisher
Red label / Class A fire - paper / wood / textiles
Fire Fighting Equipment - Class A / Water Extinguisher
Avoid use on electrical fires (electrocution risk)
& burning liquid / oil (may make fire worse)
Fire Fighting Equipment - Class B / Foam Extinguisher
Yellow / cream label - Class B fire - burning liquids (not oil)
Fire Fighting Equipment - Class B / Foam Extinguisher
Avoid use on electrical fires (electrocution risk)
& burning oil (may make fire worse)
Fire Fighting Equipment - Class C / CO2 Extinguisher
Black label - Class C fire - flammable gases & electricals
Fire Fighting Equipment - Class E / Powder Extinguisher
Blue label - Class C fire - flammable gases & electricals
Fire Fighting Equipment - Class F / Fire blanket
Burning oils / fats (Class E), people
Emergency Procedures - Fire
Raise alarm / calmly evacuate the building / call 999 - give address & details of fire / account for all persons / do not re-enter building until informed safe.
First Aid
This is the first assistance or treatment given to a casualty before the arrival of an ambulance or qualified person.
It aims to preserve life, prevent the injury or illness from becoming worse and promote recovery.
Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981
The legal duties in terms of First Aid
The regulations apply to all workplaces, including those with fewer than 5 employees.
Workplace risk assessments to reduce / eliminate risk of accidents.
Appointed person responsible for First Aid / maintenance of First Aid Box.
HSE Approved first aid kit.
First Aider
Person with formal first aid training.
Is advised - not a legal requirement.
Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 - Employer responsibilities
Act immediately if an employee is taken ill or injured at work.
Consider providing a First Aider.
Appoint a person responsible for First Aid arrangements.
Provide an appropriate, fully stocked First Aid Kit.
Ensure all staff know who the appointed First aid person is and where the first aid kit is.
Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 - Employee responsibilities
Avoid taking unnecessary risks which may endanger yourself or others.
Report and first aid shortages to the appointed person.
Report any accidents promptly and accurately in the accident book.
The accident book
A legal requirement in the workplace for reporting ALL accidents (even minor ones)
All staff must know where it is kept & how to complete it.
Accident book must be accurately completed immediately following the accident
Accident reports required should reporting be required under RIDDOR.
The Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act
Salons which offer treatments / services which involve breaking the skin must register with their local authority & obtain a license.
The local authority will carry out an inspection to check the salon complies with all Health & Safety & Hygiene requirements.
Public liability insurance
Essential. It protects employers & employees against the consequences of a death or injury claim to a third party whilst on the premises.
Product and Treatment Liability Insurance
Is usually included with public liability insurance. It covers you for risks which might occur as a result of the products you are using / selling.
Employers Liability Compulsory Insurance Act
Requires every employer must have Employer’s Liability Insurance to provide financial compensation to their employees should they be injured as a result of a workplace accident
Employers / Public Liability Insurance Certificate
Proof of valid insurance cover - must be displayed in a prominent place.
The Disability Discrimination Act / DDA
Aims to ensure that all people with an illness or disability are not discriminated against.
Businesses must promote and provide equal opportunities for disabled people to access their services.
In a salon, this can include providing ramps into the building, wheelchair access to treatment rooms and bathrooms and height-adjustable couches
Data Protection Act / GDPR
This concerns the gathering, storage, processing and use of personal data.
Data Protection Act / GDPR
To comply with the legislation , the therapist / salon / data controller (person who holds the data) must:
Ensure they have consent from the client to cover how they will hold / use the data.
Ensure the data is held securely (locked filing cabinet / password protected computer), accessed only by those who need to access it, used only for the purpose for which the client has consented, is accurate and up to date, is not transferred to any third party without client consent and not kept for longer than is required.
If the data is held on a computer, the business may need to register with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office).
Provide the client with a copy of the data held – they can charge a fee for this.
Data Protection Act / GDPR
To comply with the legislation , the therapist / salon / data controller (person who holds the data) must:
Ensure that once the data is no longer required, it is destroyed securely (e.g. cross-cut shredding, burning).
Report any data breaches to the police / ICO.
Provide the client with a copy of the data held – they can charge a fee for this.
Treating minors
All those under 16 years of age are classed as minors.
Some local authorities (such as Westminster, London and within Scotland) increase this age to 18 years of age.
When treating a minor, the range of treatments you can carry out may be restricted.
You must always have signed consent from a parent or guardian, and the parent / guardian must be present for the duration of the treatment.
Treating minors
If a treatment were to be carried out without parental consent, this may be classed as assault.
The treatment and aftercare must both be explained to both the parent / guardian and the minor.
Parental consent ensures your insurance remains valid – you must always check your insurance cover to ensure the treatment you propose to carry out is covered – some policies restrict the treatments they cover by age.
Parental presence protects both yourself and the minor.