Level 1 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Sentence Practice Flashcards
How many fish are there?
There is one fish.
There are 3 fish.
There are 5 fish.
Combien y a-t-il de poissons?
Il y a un poisson.
Il y a trois poissons.
Il y a cinq poissons.
How many keys are there?
There are 4 keys.
Combien y a-t-il de clés?
Il y a quatre clés.
How many police officers are there?
There are 2 police officers.
Combien y a-t-il de policiers?
Il y a deux policiers.
How many apples are there?
There is 1 apple.
Combien y a-t-il de pommes?
Il y a une pomme.
How many chairs are there?
There are 3 chairs.
There are 4 chairs.
There are 6 chairs.
Combien y a-t-il de chaises?
Il y a trois chaises.
Il y a quatre chaises.
Il y a six chaises.
How many telephones are there?
There are 3 telephones.
There are 5 telephones.
Combien y a-t-il de téléphones?
Il y a trois téléphones.
Il y a cinq téléphones.
How many beds are there?
There is 1 bed.
There are 2 beds.
Combien y a-t-il de lits?
Il y a un lit.
Il y a deux lits.
How many trees are there?
There are 3 trees.
There are 4 trees.
Combien y a-t-il d’arbres?
Il y a trois arbres.
Il y a quatre arbres.
How many bowls are there?
There is 1 bowl.
Combien y a-t-il de bols?
Il y a un bol.
How many children are there?
There is 1 child.
There are 2 children.
There are 6 children.
Combien y a-t-il d’enfants?
Il y a un enfant.
Il y a deux enfants.
Il y a six enfants.
How many bikes are there?
There are 3 bikes.
Combien y a-t-il de vélos?
Il y a trois vélos.
How many sandwiches are there?
There are 2 sandwiches.
Combien y a-t-il de sandwichs?
Il y a deux sandwichs.
There is a book.
There are 3 books.
Il y a un livre.
Il y a trois livres.
There is a woman.
There are 4 woman.
Il y a une femme.
Il y a quatre femmes.
There is an egg.
There are 3 eggs.
There are 5 eggs.
There are 6 eggs.
Il y a un œuf.
Il y a trois œufs.
Il y a cinq œufs.
Il y a six œufs.
There is a cell phone.
There are 2 cell phones.
Il y a un portable.
Il y a deux portables.
There is a ball (s).
There are 3 balls.
Il y a une balle.
Il y a trois balles.
There is a cup.
There are 4 cups.
There are 6 cups.
Il y a une tasse.
Il y a quatre tasses.
Il y a six tasses.
There is a table.
There are 2 tables.
Il y a une table.
Il y a deux tables.
How many white tables are there?
There are 2 white tables.
Combien y a-t-il de tables blanches?
Il y a deux tables blanches.
How many red balls (s) are there?
There is 1 red ball.
Combien y a-t-il de balles rouges?
Il y a une balle rouge.
How many yellow bowls are there?
There are 2 yellow bowls.
Combien y a-t-il de bols jaunes?
Il y a deux bols jaunes.
How many black telephones are there?
There is 1 black telephone.
Combien y a-t-il de téléphones noirs?
Il y a un téléphone noir.
3 plates are white.
Trois assiettes sont blanches.
2 apples are green.
Deux pommes sont vertes.
1 flower is red.
Une fleur est rouge.
4 bowls are blue.
Quatre bols sont bleus.
How many cups do you (f) have?
We have 4 cups.
Combien de tasses avez-vous?
Nous avons quatre tasses.
How many sandwiches do you (f) have?
We have 5 sandwiches.
Combien de sandwichs avez-vous?
Nous avons cinq sandwichs.
How many bowls do you (f) have?
I have 3 bowls.
Combien de bols avez-vous?
J’ai trois bols.
How many plates do you (f) have?
I have 2 plates.
Combien d’assiettes avez-vous?
J’ai deux assiettes.
I have some yellow flowers.
J’ai des fleurs jaunes.
You (f) have some red flowers.
Vous avez des fleurs rouges.
We have some white flowers.
Nous avons des fleurs blanches.
You (f) have some blue flowers.
Vous avez des fleur bleues.
The girl is wearing a t-shirt.
La fille porte un tee-shirt.
The woman is wearing shoes.
La femme porte des chaussures.
The boy is wearing pants.
Le garçon porte un pantalon.
The men are wearing a hat.
Les hommes portent un chapeau.
The woman is wearing a dress.
La femme porte une robe.
The woman is wearing a skirt.
La femme porte une jupe.
The woman is wearing pants.
La femme porte un pantalon.
The woman is wearing a hat.
La femme porte un chapeau.
The man is wearing a coat.
L’homme porte un manteau.
The man is wearing a hat.
L’homme porte un chapeau.
I am wearing a skirt.
Je porte une jupe.
I am wearing pants.
Je porte un pantalon.
The boy is not wearing a t-shirt.
Le garçon ne porte pas de tee-shirt.
The man is not wearing shoes.
L’homme ne porte pas de chaussures.
The girl is not wearing pants, she is wearing a skirt.
La fille ne porte pas de pantalon, elle porte une jupe.
3 women are wearing pants, 1 woman is wearing a dress.
Trois femmes portent un pantalon, une femme porte une robe.
He is buying a hat.
Il achète un chapeau.
She is buying 2 hats.
Elle achète deux chapeaux.
He is buying 3 t-shirts.
Il achète trois tee-shirts.
She is buying 4 t-shirts.
Elle achète quatre tee-shirts.
The man is buying a coat.
L’homme achète un manteau.
The man is buying a hat.
L’homme achète un chapeau.
I am buying a skirt.
J’achète une jupe.
I am buying pants.
J’achète un pantalon.
Who is eating?
The police officer is eating.
Qui mange?
Le policier mange.
Who is reading? The students (e) are reading.
Qui lit?
Les élèves lisent.
Who is drinking?
The women are drinking.
Qui boit?
Les femmes boivent.
Who is writing?
The girl is writing.
Qui écrit?
La fille écrit.
Who is walking?
We are walking.
Qui marche?
Nous marchons.
Who is running?
We are running.
Qui court?
Nous courons.
Who has the hat?
The woman has the hat.
Qui a le chapeau?
La femme a le chapeau.
Who has the ball (b)?
The boy has the ball.
Qui a le ballon?
Le garçon a le ballon.
Who has the books?
The girls have the books.
Qui a les livres?
Les filles ont les livres.
Who has the newspaper?
The doctor has the newspaper.
Qui a le journal?
Le médecin a le journal.
Who has a bike?
She has a bike.
Qui a un vélo?
Elle a un vélo.
Who is wearing shoes?
I am wearing shoes.
Qui porte des chaussures?
Je porte des chaussures.
Who is wearing a hat?
We are wearing a hat.
Qui porte un chapeau?
Nous portons un chapeau.
What is it?
What is this?
What is that?
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
It’s water.
C’est de l’eau.
It’s a plate.
C’est une assiette.
It’s a tree.
C’est un arbre.
It’s a bike.
C’est un vélo.
It’s a sandwich.
C’est un sandwich.
Is the grass green?
Yes, the grass is green.
Est-ce que l’herbe est verte?
Oui, l’herbe est verte.
Does she have a bike?
Yes, she has a bike.
Est-ce qu’elle a un vélo?
Oui, elle a un vélo.
Are you (f) eating sandwiches?
Est-ce que vous mangez des sandwichs?
Do you (f) have fish?
Est-ce que vous avez des poissons?
Is the horse black?
No, the horse is not black.
Est-ce que le cheval est noir?
Non, le cheval n’est pas noir.
What are you (f) doing?
We are writing.
Qu’est-ce que vous faites?
Nous écrivons.