Level 1 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Sentence Practice Flashcards
a girl and a woman
une fille et une femme
a boy and a man
un garçon et un homme
a sandwich and some milk
un sandwich et du lait
a man and a woman
un homme et une femme
some rice and an apple
du riz et une pomme
some bread and some water
du pain et de l’eau
The boy is drinking some milk.
Le garçon boit du lait.
The woman is drinking some coffee.
La femme boit du café.
She is drinking water.
Elle boit de l’eau.
The boy and the man are drinking water.
Le garçon et l’homme boivent de l’eau.
The children are drinking.
Les enfants boivent.
The girl is eating some bread.
La fille mange du pain.
The man is eating an egg.
L’homme mange un œuf.
The dog is eating.
Le chien mange.
He is eating rice.
Il mange du riz.
The adults are eating.
Les adultes mangent.
The man and the woman are eating rice.
L’homme et la femme mangent du riz.
They (m) are eating some eggs.
Ils mangent des œufs.
They (m) are eating some sandwiches.
Ils mangent des sandwichs.
They (m) are eating some apples.
Ils mangent des pommes.
The man is driving a car.
L’homme conduit une voiture.
The woman is driving a car.
La femme conduit une voiture.
He is driving a car.
Il conduit une voiture.
The woman is not driving.
La femme ne conduit pas.
The boy is not driving.
Le garçon ne conduit pas.
The girl is not driving.
La fille ne conduit pas.
The boy is walking.
Le garçon marche.
The girl is walking.
La fille marche.
The woman is walking.
La femme marche.
They (m) are walking.
Ils marchent.
The man is running.
L’homme court.
The girl is running.
La fille court.
The horse is running.
Le cheval court.
The child is running.
L’enfant court.
The children are running.
Les enfants courent.
The adults are running.
Les adultes courent.
The dog is running.
Le chien court.
The dog is not running.
Le chien ne court pas.
The adult is reading.
L’adulte lit.
The adults are reading.
Les adultes lisent.
They (m) are reading a newspaper.
Ils lisent un journal.
He has a cat.
Il a un chat.
He has a car.
Il a une voiture.
He has some books.
Il a des livres.
She has a dog.
Elle a un chien.
She has some sandwiches.
Elle a des sandwichs.
She has a fish.
Elle a un poisson.
They (m) have a newspaper.
Ils ont un journal.
They (m) have some pens.
Ils ont des stylos.
They (f) have a horse.
Elles ont un cheval.
The women have some rice.
Les femmes ont du riz.
The women do not have rice.
Les femmes n’ont pas de riz.
The boy has a pen.
Le garçon a un stylo.
The boy does not have a pen.
Le garçon n’a pas de stylo.
The men have water.
Les hommes ont de l’eau.
The men do not have water.
Les hommes n’ont pas d’eau.
The boy has some milk.
Le garçon a du lait.
The boy doesn’t have any milk.
Le garçon n’a pas de lait.
The girls have some bikes.
Les filles ont des vélos.
The girls do not have bikes.
Les filles n’ont pas de vélo.
The boys have water.
Les garçons ont de l’eau.
The boys do not have water.
Les garçons n’ont pas d’eau.
The cat is sleeping.
Le chat dort.
They (m/f) are sleeping.
Ils dorment.
Elles dorment.
The fish swims.
Le poisson nage.
They (m) are swimming.
Ils nagent.
They (m) are not swimming.
Ils ne nagent pas.
The children are swimming.
Les enfants nagent.
The adults are cooking.
Les adultes cuisinent.
The adults are not cooking.
Les adultes ne cuisinent pas.
The children are writing.
Les enfants écrivent.
The children are not writing.
Les enfants n’écrivent pas.
They (m) are not cooking. They are eating.
Ils ne cuisinent pas. Ils mangent.
They (m) are cooking. They are not eating.
Ils cuisinent. Ils ne mangent pas.
He is not walking. He is running.
Il ne marche pas. Il court.
He is walking. He is not running.
Il marche. Il ne court pas.
What is that?
What is this?
What is it?
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
It’s an apple.
C’est une pomme.
It’s a newspaper.
C’est un journal.
It’s a cat.
C’est un chat.
It’s a bike.
C’est un vélo.
It’s an egg.
C’est un œuf.
It’s a pen.
C’est un stylo.
It’s a fish.
C’est un poisson.
It’s rice.
C’est du riz.
Is he sleeping?
He is sleeping.
He is not sleeping.
Est-ce qu’il dort?
Il dort.
Il ne dort pas.
Is she sleeping?
She is sleeping.
Est-ce qu’elle dort?
Elle dort.
Is the dog swimming?
Est-ce que le chien nage?
Is the horse swimming?
Est-ce que le cheval nage?
Is she reading a newspaper?
Est-ce qu’elle lit un journal?
Is she reading a book?
She is reading a book.
Est-ce qu’elle lit un livre?
Elle lit un livre.
Is he eating an apple?
He is eating an apple.
Est-ce qu’il mange une pomme?
Il mange une pomme.