Level 1 Music Literacy Elements Flashcards
What key signatures are studied in Level 1?
C, G, and F major, and A minor.
Name the chords learned in Level 1 RCM piano.
- Identify and write the tonic triad of C, G, and F major and A minor in solid or broken form, root position.
- Identify the root, 3rd, and 5th of a triad.
Outline the Level 1 music literacy objectives for Melody and Composition.
- Identify recurring motives ((rhythmic and/or melodic patterns) in a given example.
- Compose a 5-6 note melody with a given rhythm, using stepwise motion within a major scale, ending on the tonic.
What are the music literacy goals for Intervals and Scales in Level 1?
- Write C, G, and F major and A natural minor scales in the treble and bass clef, ascending and descending, in whole notes.
- Identify by technical degree and name, the tonic and dominant pitches of a scale.
- Identify and write generic intervals (numerical size only, melodic or harmonic) up to an octave above the tonic pitch.
What should the Level 1 student be able to identify and write, in terms of Pitch and Notation?
- Grand staff notes from low C (two ledger lines below bass clef) to high C two ledger lines above the treble clef, and inside A through E for both clefs.
- The dot, dotted half notes
- Measure numbers
- Half steps, using same or different letter names
- Whole steps
- Notes affected by accidentals
What are the Level 1 music literacy objectives for Form and Analysis?
- Identify any concept from this level within a short musical example.
- Identify stepwise versus non-stepwise melodic motion in simple, short examples.
- Identify what is the same or different in simple, repeated melodies.
What musical terms and signs should a Level 1 student be able to identify and define?
- Signs and markings for diminuendo, fermata, the tie, C common time.
- Tempo terms: tempo, lento, andante, moderato, allegro, rit., ritardando
What music history/appreciation literacy questions should the Level 1 student be able to answer in terms of telling a story through music?
Answer simple questions about Saint-Saens “Kangaroo”, “Aquarium”, “The Swan”, from Carnival of the Animals; Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf; Descriptive music, orchestra, violin, cello, piano, xylophone, timpani, clarinet, oboe.
What are the Level 1 music literacy elements for Rhythm and Meter?
- Calculate relative note values of 2:1 an 4:1, using eighth, quarter, half, and whole notes and rests.
- Apply time signatures or bar lines to fragments in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4
What key signatures are studied in Level 1?
C, G, and F major, and A minor.
Name the chords learned in Level 1 RCM piano.
- Identify and write the tonic triad of C, G, and F major and A minor in solid or broken form, root position.
- Identify the root, 3rd, and 5th of a triad.
Outline the Level 1 music literacy objectives for Melody and Composition.
- Identify recurring motives ((rhythmic and/or melodic patterns) in a given example.
- Compose a 5-6 note melody with a given rhythm, using stepwise motion within a major scale, ending on the tonic.
What are the music literacy goals for Intervals and Scales in Level 1?
- Write C, G, and F major and A natural minor scales in the treble and bass clef, ascending and descending, in whole notes.
- Identify by technical degree and name, the tonic and dominant pitches of a scale.
- Identify and write generic intervals (numerical size only, melodic or harmonic) up to an octave above the tonic pitch.
What should the Level 1 student be able to identify and write, in terms of Pitch and Notation?
- Grand staff notes from low C (two ledger lines below bass clef) to high C two ledger lines above the treble clef, and inside A through E for both clefs.
- The dot, dotted half notes
- Measure numbers
- Half steps, using same or different letter names
- Whole steps
- Notes affected by accidentals
What are the Level 1 music literacy objectives for Form and Analysis?
- Identify any concept from this level within a short musical example.
- Identify stepwise versus non-stepwise melodic motion in simple, short examples.
- Identify what is the same or different in simple, repeated melodies.
What musical terms and signs should a Level 1 student be able to identify and define?
- Signs and markings for diminuendo, fermata, the tie, C common time.
- Tempo terms: tempo, lento, andante, moderato, allegro, rit., ritardando
What music history/appreciation literacy questions should the Level 1 student be able to answer in terms of telling a story through music?
Answer simple questions about Saint-Saens “Kangaroo”, “Aquarium”, “The Swan”, from Carnival of the Animals; Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf; Descriptive music, orchestra, violin, cello, piano, xylophone, timpani, clarinet, oboe.
What are the Level 1 music literacy elements for Rhythm and Meter?
- Calculate relative note values of 2:1 an 4:1, using eighth, quarter, half, and whole notes and rests.
- Apply time signatures or bar lines to fragments in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4