Level 1 / 3.8 / Asking Questions Flashcards
Quoi ?
Where are they?
Elles sont où ?
Where are they?
Où sont-elles ?
He is sick
Il est malade
Who are we waiting for?
Qui attendons-nous ?
Are we eating soon?
Mange-t-on bientôt ?
Do you like this movie?
Tu aimes ce film ?
Do you like this movie?
Aimes-tu ce film ?
Who are we waiting for?
Nous attendons qui ?
Are you thirsty?
Vous avez soif ?
Are we eating soon?
On mange bientôt ?
Are you thirsty?
Avez-vous soif ?
How much does that cost?
Ça coûte combien ?
Is he sick?
Est-ce qu’il est malade ?
Do we have enough time?
A-t-on assez de temps ?
What are they eating?
Ils mangent quoi ?
Where are they?
Où est-ce qu’elles sont ?
When are they leaving?
Quand partent-ils ?
What are they eating?
Que mangent-ils ?
When are they leaving?
Ils partent quand ?
Are they arriving now?
Arrivent-ils maintenant ?
Does he like the apartment?
Aime-t-il l’appartement ?
Does she dream of traveling?
Rêve-t-elle de voyager ?
Are they arriving now?
Ils arrivent maintenant ?