Level 1 / 2.6 / All About "A" and "Some" Flashcards
We are drinking juice / We are drinking some juice
On boit du jus
He is drinking the wine / He is drinking wine (as a general concept)
Il boit le vin
He is drinking wine / He is drinking some wine
Il boit du vin
A woman is here
Une femme est ici
I am buying sugar / I am buying some sugar
J’achète du sucre
I am buying the sugar / I am buying sugar (as a general concept)
J’achète le sucre
I want milk / I want some milk
Je veux du lait
He wants money / He wants some money
Il veut de l’argent
I want the milk / I want milk (as a general concept)
Je veux le lait
He wants butter / He wants some butter
Il veut du beurre
I am eating an apple
Je mange une pomme
We want chips / We want some chips
On veut des chips
She wants water / She wants some water
Elle veut de l’eau
We want the chips / We want chips (as a general concept)
On veut les chips
He wants a beer
Il veut une bière