LETTER P Flashcards
Paci-sunt maxime contraria vis et injuria
-Violence and injury are
quite contrary to peace.
Pacta dant legem contractui
Breach of agreement give rise to law
of contract.
Pacta quae turpem causam continent non sunt
Agreements for immoral consideration would not be
Pacta reciproca vel utrosque ligant vel neutrum
agreement will either apply to both the parties or to none of the two.
Pactis privatorem juri publico non deroganter.
agreement is not derogatory to public law; if a private contract is against
public interest, that would be set aside.
Pactum de assedetione facienda et ipsa assedatione
Contract to give on lease is similar to lease
Pur cause de vineinage
Right exists in the vincity
Peana potius molliendae quam exasparendae sunt
Punishment should be softened rather than hardened
Persona conjuncta aquiparatur inter esse proprio
Interest of personal relation is sometimes regarded as interest of the person himself
Potesta Suprema sesipum disovolrre potest, ligare non potest
Supreme powers releases itself but cannot blind itself
Poitsor est conditio defendentis
Defendant is in better position
Potior est conditio possidentis
Person in possession is in better condition
Presumpitio juris et de jure
The presumption that the law is known, is lawful
Privatis pacticinoibus non dubium est non laedi jus caeteroureum
A private contract cannot affect the rights of 3rd person
Privitorum conventio juri publico non derogat
A private bargain does not derogate from public law
Privitum incommodun publico Bono pensature
Private inconvenience is counter balanced by public Good.