Ab initio.
From the beginning.
Ab intestato.
Refers to succession to the property of one who has not disposed of it by will.
Actus reus.
Elements of the definition of an offence.
Ad colligenda bona.
To collect the goods.
Ad hoc.
For this special purpose.
Ad idem.
Of the same mind; similar in essential matters.
Ad valorem.
In proportion to the value.
A fortiori.
For a stronger reason.
Agent provocateur.
A person who entices another to commit an express breach of law which he otherwise would not have committed proceeds to inform against him in respect of such offence.
Second or assumed name.
Elsewhere; an excuse, argument by an accused that at the supposed time of commission of crime he was elsewhere.
Alieni juris.
Of another’s right.
A liter.
From elsewhere.
It is allowed.
Allodial lnrd.
Land owned absolutely and not held by any lord or superior.
Demand by court of a convicted person, asking whether he has cause to show why judgment should not be pronounced against him.
A mena At thoro.
From board and bed. A decree in ecclesiastical courts
Amicus curiae.
Friend of the court; a person who is not engaged in a case, but who brings to the court’s attention a point which has apparently been overlooked.
Intention, disposition.
Animus deserendi.
Intention of deserting.
Ánimus furandi
Intention of stealing.
Animus manendi
Intention of remaining.
Animus non revertendi
Intention of not returning.
Animus possidendi
Intention of possessing.
Animus testandi
Intention of making a will.
Animus revocondi
Intention of revoking.
Ante litem motam
Before litigation commenced.
A Posteriore
From effect to cause, from subsequent conclusions.
A priori
From cause to effect, from previous assumption.
In the course of or by way of argument; by way of hypothetical illustration.
He has undertaken - A voluntary promise made by word for compensating of loss.
Autrefois acquit
Formerly acquitted.
Autrefois convict
Formerly convicted.
Autre vie
The life of another.
A vinculum matrimonii
From the bond of matrimony.
Bona fide
In good faith; honesty.
Bona vacantia
Ownerless goods.
Brutum fulmen
An empty threat.
Cadit quaestio
The matter ends; it admits of no further agreement.
That you take; Name of a group of writs.
Causa remota
Remote cause; One operating indirectly through intervention of other causes.
Causa causans
The immediate cause; The real effective cause of damage.
Caveat emptor
Let the buyer beware.
Caveat venditor
Let the seller beware.
Cestui que trust
One to whose use of property was conveyed.
Cestui que vie
He for whose life a grant of land is made.
Colare officii
By virtue of one’s office.
Compus mentis
Of sound mind.
Against; opposite.
It follows; It is clear beyond argument.
Contra bonos mores
Against morals; contrary to a good way of affairs.
Corpus delicti
The body of an offence i.e. the aggregation of fundamental facts constituting an offence.
Corpus juris
A body of law.
Curia advisari vult
The court wishes to be advised.
Curator bonis
Trustee appointed to take care of the property and affairs of absent persons.
Damnum absque injuria
Damage without Wrong.
De bonis nón administratis
Of goods which have not been administered.
De bonis asportatis
Of goods carried away.
De bonis propriis
From One’s own goods.
In fact; in reality.
Beyond; unconnected with; foreign to.
By right; by lawful title.
Of belief; of trust.
He has wasted.
That you distrain.
Capable of fraud or deceit.
Bring with you.
While single.
During absence.
Durante minore oeate
During minority.
Durante viduitate
During widowhood.