LETTER D Flashcards
daddie (plural daddies) (often Scotland)
an indoor game in which small pointed missiles with feather or plastic flights are thrown at a circular target marked with numbers in order to score points.
“he spent the evening playing darts in a bar”
Day off
a day’s vacation from work or school on what would normally be a working day. I won’t be in on Thursday - it’s my day off. She’s taking three days off next week. I took a day off in June to go to a friend’s wedding. It was supposed to be my day off but I ended up working most of it.
Deadly adjective and adverb
Causing or able to cause death.
- A deadly weapon
In a way resembling or suggesting death; as if dead.
- Her skin was deadly pale
highly valued : PRECIOUS
//a dear friend
//Our friendship is very dear to me.
//ran for dear life
—often used in a salutation
//dear Sir
To rid of contamination (such as radioactive material)
To release air or gas from. Ex:
Deflate a tire
The birthday balloons deflated after a few days. The harsh criticism left him utterly deflated. an insult that would deflate their egos He has worked to deflate popular myths about investing.
Degrees of steak doneness
- Blue rare - Seared on the outside. Complete red throughout
- Rare - Seared outside and still red 75% throughout the centre
- Medium rare - Seared outside with 50% red centre
- Medium: Seared outside, 25% pink showing inside
- Medium well - A slight hint of pink
- Well done: Broiled until 100% brown
The act of postponing, hindering, or causing something to occur more slowly than normal : the state of being delayed
Highly pleasant to the taste.
“delicious home-baked brown bread”
Refusal to satisfy a request or desire
“she shook her head in denial”
“And they said it’s coming to you, but you’re in denial.”
“I feel sorry for him because he’s still in denial.”
“you’re living in denial”
Dental floss
a soft, strong, waxed or unwaxed thread, usually made of nylon, for drawing between the teeth to remove food particles and prevent the buildup of plaque
* My gums bleed after brushing and flossing.
* Your doctor will probably advise you to clean your teeth frequently and to use dental floss.
- show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.
“paintings depicting Old Testament scenes” - portray in words; describe.
“youth is depicted as a time of vitality and good health”
the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something.
“I would like to have discussed it in more depth”
“loosen the soil to a depth of 8 inches”
“snow had fallen to a depth of 20 cm”
“a work of great depth and insight”
- abandoned; forsaken. the problems of deserted wives and children.
- untenanted: without inhabitants.
a piece of furniture with a flat or sloped surface and typically with drawers, at which one can read, write, or do other work.
without the basic necessities of life.
“the charity cares for destitute children”
not having.
“towns destitute of commerce”
Plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought.
“a training program should be devised”
“Nor do you devise names for our real estate projects.”
“we want to devise a new translation program”
*Inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real.
“Laura shook her head in disbelief”
*Lack of faith.
“I’ll burn in hell for disbelief”
Refuse to acknowledge, deny
- The school disclaimed any responsibility for his dead
Renounce a legal claim to (a property or title)
- The earl disclaimed his title
loss of reputation or respect as the result of a dishonorable action.
“he left the army in disgrace”
Dishcloth/dish towel
a cloth for washing or drying dishes.
Tea Towel vs Dish Towel: What’s The Difference?:
* Tea towel: Better for lining trays, drying utensils,
* Dish towel: Better for mopping up spills and wiping countertops
Dis·sim·i·lar (adjective)
not alike; different.
“a collection of dissimilar nations lacking overall homogeneity”
extremely worried, nervous, or upset:
The missing child’s distraught parents made an emotional appeal for information on TV.
She’s been sad ever since her cat died.
“distraught parents looking for a runaway teenager”
Dive in
to start doing something fully, with a lot of energy and enthusiasm
The only way to learn a new language is to just dive in and not be afraid of making mistakes.
(also dive into something)
to start eating in an eager way without hesitating
They were very hungry and dove into the meal with gusto.
he dove into the swimming pool. The children like to dive off the boat. The competitors will be diving from the highest platform.
A person who stays underwater for long periods by having air supplied from the surface or by carrying a supply of compressed air
Do we really need so much space?
Someone/Something uses a lots of space
Do you like it…. ?
Don’t you?
No, I really do like it
Dishonest or unreliable
He was a bit of a dodgy character. Predicting voting trends from economic forecasts is a dodgy business. My heart’s a bit dodgy.
A spell of listlessness or despondency
A part of the ocean near the equator abounding in calms, squalls, and light shifting winds
A state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or slump
- He had been through the doldrums
- The economy is in the doldrums
Don’t be a stranger
usually used as a farewell, inviting one to visit again or communicate more often
Don’t you dare
used to order someone threateningly not to do something. ex: don’t you dare touch me!
Door handle or door knob
a handle used to open or close a door. Door handles can be found on all types of doors including exterior doors of residential and commercial buildings, internal doors, cupboard doors and vehicle doors. There are many designs of door handle, depending on the appropriate use.
- a mat placed in a doorway, on which people can wipe their shoes on entering a building.
- a submissive person who allows others to dominate them.
- “to put up with such treatment you must be either a saint or a doormat”
: something that is unusually good, bad, big, severe, etc.
They say the snowstorm tonight is going to be a doozy.
Watch out for that first step. It’s a doozy.
Some of her comments have been real doozies.
a doozy of a year.
an odd, socially awkward, unstylish person. I felt like a dork in that sweater.
A dorm — short for dormitory — is a place where college or university students live. You’ll find a lot of bunk beds in most dorms.
Down bad
When you’re having a horrible day in your love life, career, or friendships, you’ve reached a low point.
*“Michael is in desperate need of a night out. He’s down bad. His girlfriend dumped him once he lost his job.”
“Every time she does to the casino, she loses money. She’s down bad.”
A group or set of twelve.
- A dozen bottles of sherry
Drain (verb) and (noun)
- cause the water or other liquid in (something) to run out, leaving it empty, dry, or drier.
“we drained the swimming pool” - deprive of strength or vitality.
“his limbs were drained of all energy”
*a channel or pipe carrying off surplus liquid, especially rainwater or liquid waste. - a thing that uses up a particular resource.
“nuclear power is a serious drain on the public purse”
a box-shaped storage compartment without a lid, made to slide horizontally in and out of a desk, chest, or other piece of furniture.
To feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen:
- He’s dreading the exam, he’s sure he’s going to fail.
- I’m dreading having to meet his parents.
- I was dreading that moment, because there I was thinking I was wasting all of my money and I would have no more savings.
a piece of bedroom furniture with drawers, sometimes with a mirror on top, used especially for keeping clothes in.
a hand tool, power tool, or machine with rotating cutting tip or reciprocating hammer or chisel, used for making holes
drink up
quickly consume the rest of a drink.
“we’ve probably got another five minutes or so, so we’d best drink up”
Drive up
cause a price, rate, quantity, etc. to increase; increase the amount or value of something.
“the crisis is driving up oil prices”
A short road or paved area leading from a public road to a house or garage.
- One of the suspects backed a vehicle into the driveway
Drop off (to someone)
to take someone or something to a particular place, usually by car, as you travel to a different place:
Can I drop off the car in…?
2. The membership of the club began to drop off.
3. Sales to the British forces are expected to drop off.
4. I need to drop off these papers at Bob’s.
He got dropped off at the subway by a security detail which then left. She dropped off her bags at his house.
Having fallen or been allowed to fall vertically.
- I have been trying to keep this area free of dropped apples
Made low or lower than is usual.
- Organza dresses with dropped waists
Dropping the G
Refers to the pronunciation of the weak ending -ing as /ɪn/ rather than /ɪŋ/. In vernacular speech, /ɪn/ for -ing is common, probably more so in America. In popular music, it’s absolutely normal to sing -ing as /ɪn/, and the spelling -in’ is common, e.g. Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ in the Wind.
Informal. a man; a guy.
“if some dude smacked me, I’d smack him back”
- expected at or planned for at a certain time.
“the baby’s due in August” - of the proper quality or extent; adequate.
“driving without due care and attention” - “he is due back soon”
- “I’m due three months’ back pay”
- “we went due south for five miles”
- “I was due a month’s back pay”
Contraction for I don’t know
- a flat handheld receptacle into which dust and waste can be swept from the floor.
“a dustpan and brush”
Covered or abounding with dust
Relating to, or in any of the Germanic languages of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the low Countries
Dial-up internet access
A form of internet access that uses the facilities of the public switched telephone network to establish a connection to an internet service provider by dialing a telephone number on a conventional telephone line.
The working surface of a desk
A computer suitable for use at an ordinary desk
- Desktop computer
The working area of a computer screen regarded as a presentation of a notional desktop and containing icons representing items such as files and s wastebasket
- You can now have multiple, overlapping windows on the desktop
Extremely bright, especially so as to blind the eyes temporally
- The sunlight was dazzling
Extremely impressive, beautiful, or skillful
- A dazzling display of football
Dazzle (verb and noun)
(Of a bright) blind (a person) temporarily
- She was dazzled by the headlights
Brightness that confuses someone’s vision temporarily
- A dazzle of green and red spotlights