Lessons 13-24 Flashcards
How did JEsus prove His own resurrection to His disciples?
He spent 40 days with them after his resurrection.
What is the significance of the empty tomb?
It’s evidence of the resurrection.
What is the significance of the Roman seal on the tomb?
No one would have tampered with a tomb sealed by Rome.
How did guards bear witness to the resurrection of Christ?
They were surprised and reported back to their authorities.
How did the lives of the disciples bear witness to the resurrection of Christ?
They were transformed.
How does the Christian Church bear witness to the resurrection of Christ?
The early church teaches the resurrection of Christ and its significance.
What do we know about the resurrection body of Christ?
Jesus was able to function in both the material and spirit realm.
How can we receive the grace of God?
Through humility and gratitude.
What are the Biblical “laws of the kinsman-redeemer”?
- He had to be a close relative
- He had to be able to pay the price for the property
- He had to be willing to pay the price
What is the meaning of the word “ransom”?
The price paid to redeem us.
What is the meaning of the word “substitution”?
To take the place of another.
How does the word “propitiation” relate to the Ark of the Covenant?
The blood on the ark symbolized how Christ’s blood covers the law.
How has the work of Christ reconciled us to God?
The death and resurrection of Christ has given us to share into the inheritance of God as sons/daughters.
What is the extent of the atonement?
It extends to all people.
How is the atonement applied to our lives?
We must believe and obey God for atonement to be applied.
Why is it important to understand that it is God who initiates both the provision and the application of the atonement?
So that God will recieve all the glory.
What is the Biblical meaning of the word “election”?
Sovereign act of God in grace where He chose in Christ for salvation all those whom he foreknew would accept him.
What motivates God’s election?
God’s grace.
Does everyone God elects to be saved end up being saved? Why?
Yes because God chose those to be saved whom He foreknew would accept His offer of salvation.
How is God able to handle perfect foreknowledge?
With integrity