Lessons 1-12 Flashcards
Why is it important to know who Jesus is?
Knowing that Jesus was both fully man and God will determine how we relate to Christ and will also determine our eternal destiny.
Who was Jesus the Son of?
God and Man
Why is it important to know how to respond to Jesus?
Because if we believe that Jesus was who he says he is, then our response determines our salvation.
What is meant by the conclusion that Jesus was a liar?
He was clearly deceiving people.
What is meant by the conclusion that Jesus was a lunatic?
He was actually insane.
What is meant by the conclusion that Jesus was Lord?
He was really whom he claimed to be.
Who do you think Jesus was? Why?
Jesus was the Son of God as well as God, a part of the trinity of God because that is who He claims to be and who the Bible claims Him to be.
What is meant by the statement that Jesus is “One Person With Two Natures”?
Jesus has both a human and a divine nature.
What is meant by the statement that the two natures of Christ are “distinguishable but indivisible?
They can be told apart but can’t be separated.
What is the importance of the orthodox view of the person of Christ to our salvation?
Salvation would not be possible if Jesus was not fully God and fully man. In His person He was both God and man so that in His work, he could bring God and man together.
What are the two streams of Old Testament prophecy concerning the person of Christ?
One stream declared the Messiah to be the Son of God while another declared Him to be the Son of Man.
How is Jesus Christ the fulfillment of these two prophetic streams?
Through the virgin birth of Mary.
What was Jesus’ claim concerning His own birth?
He claimed that God was His father. He never claimed Joseph as His father.
What was the claim of the New Testament writers concerning the birth of Christ?
Paul and John claim that Jesus came from God and was the Son of God come in flesh.
What is God’s eternal purpose for mankind?
Relationship, character, function, and reproduction.
Why was it necessary for God to make a covenant with mankind?
God only relates to other beings in terms of covenant.
What was the result of man’s breaking of the covenant?
Separation from God
What is necessary to pay the penalty of man’s covenant-breaking?
Only a man could pay the penalty by dying for man.
Why was it necessary for Christ to be sinless?
God had to be sinless or He Himself would have needed a Savior.
What does the phrase “God-Man” refer to?
Refers to how God became fully man and God and the need for a miraculous birth.
How was God reinstated His eternal purpose for mankind?
When the plan of redemption is complete, redeemed man will be able to fulfill the purpose for which Adam was created.
What are the implications of Christ’s self-emptying to our personal lives?
Shows us how to submit/depend on God.
How does the incarnation of Christ reveal the Father to us?
He was the tangible example of what the Father is like.
How will the incarnation of Christ make possible the final destruction of the works of the Devil?
When Christ died and resurrected, he unraveled the plans and works of the Devil.
How was Jesus “self-existent”?
Jesus was not created. He just is and always has been.
How was Jesus “pre-existent”?
Jesus has always been, even before creation.
How did JEsus demonstrate the “moral attributes” of God?
He lived His life in perfect holiness, righteousness, love, and faithfulness.
What divine names were used of Jesus?
Lord, I AM, Son of God, Truth
Why was it necessary for Jesus to be fully human?
To save humans and connect man to God, the redeemer needed to be fully human and fully man.
In what way did Jesus have a human nature?
He had a spirit, soul, and body.
In what way did Jesus experience normal human growth and development?
He grew intellectually, physically, spiritually, and relationally.
What are “sinless infirmities”?
physical and human limitations such as weariness and hunger.
What is meant by the fact that Jesus experienced human death and resurrection?
He was able to participate in both spiritual and physical realm.
What does the temptation of Jesus teach us about the temptations we face?
Jesus showed that the way to overcome sin is to combine the divine nature with the human nature.
Why did Jesus have to be tempted?
- For the development of a full and complete humanity.
- To be approved by God the Father
- To be a merciful High Priest
What did Jesus say concerning His own sinlessness?
He declared it.
How did the sinlessness of Christ affect His relationship with the Father?
It allowed Him to have unbroken, intimate communion with the Father.
How is Jesus an example to us in character?
Jesus was perfect in holiness, love, faith, and humility.
How is Jesus an example to us in word?
In His use of words, prayer, and in His teaching and preaching.
How is Jesus an example to us in deed?
Jesus was the perfect example of the right ways to live.
How does the High Priesthood speak to us of the “mediatorship” of Christ?
In His sinless humanity is the sacrifice. In his diety He is the High Priest.
What does the word “atonement” mean and what does it imply?
Atonement means “to cover”. It refers to the process of God covering our sin and clothing us in His redemption.
What is the “holiness” of God?
Is is one of God’s essential attributes.
How is the holiness fo God relevant to mankind?
Man was designed for holiness - to reflect the nature of God. Anything that violates God’s design for man is unholy.
What is the purpose of Divine Law?
It is an expression of God’s holiness and purpose.
What happened when mankind violated Divine Law?
We became sinful.
In what way does the love of God “fuel” the wrath of God?
It is God’s selfless love for man that causes His wrath to be manifested against sin.
How was the Ark of the Covenant a picture of atonement?
The act of shedding blood on the ark was a way of atoning for our sins.
How was the clothing of Adam and Even in coats of skin a type of the atonement?
The shedding of the animal’s blood acted as a substitution for man.
How was the covenantal sacrifice of Abraham a type of the atonement?
The animal’s being sacrificed served as an atonement of blood for the covenant between Abraham and God.
How was the offering of Isaac a type of atonement?
God provided a substitute for their sacrifice. (a ram)
How was the Passover lamb a type of the atonement?
It “covered” those inside from certain death.
How was the Day of Atonement a type of the atonement?
Blood covered judgement with mercy.
How accurately did the Old Testament prophets foretell the atoning work of Christ?
There are over 330 prophecies of the first coming of Christ in the Old Testament prophets, 150 of them fulfilled on the cross.
How was Christ’s death incomparable?
He was the only sinless man to have ever died.
How was Christ’s death historical?
Jesus really did die.
How was Christ’s death doctrinal?
Without His death we would not have salvation through Jesus.
How was Christ’s death a revelation of the wrath of God?
Christ became sin personified.
What is meant by the statement “Jesus came to die”?
Jesus’ purpose in coming down to earth was to die for the sins of mankind.
When did Jesus taste spiritual death?
In the Garden of Gethsemane.
When did Jesus taste eternal death?
On the cross before His physical death.
In what way is Jesus the second and last Adam?
Like the first Adam, Jesus came to initiate a whole new race of people.
How was the death of Christ a free act?
Jesus made a deliberate choice to die.
How was the death of Christ a deliberate act?
Christ made the choice to die.
How was the death of Christ a satisfaction of the wrath of God?
The wrath of God was appeased by the death of Christ.
How was the death of Christ a manifestation of the love of God?
God laid down His life for us because He loved us.
How was the death of Christ a glorious victory?
He triumphed over principalities and powers.
What was Christ’s view of His own death?
- He predicted both the fact and the manner of His death.
- He taught that His death had universal significance.
- He affirmed that His death had a definite bearing on the spiritual world.
Describe the first place the soul of Jesus went after His death.
- A common view is that at the death of Jesus, He was taken by demons in captivity to hell as a prisoner of sin and death.
- An alternate view is that the soul of Jesus went to the Father in paradise.
Where did the believing thief on the cross go after his death?
To heavenly paradise.
What are the two sections in hell?
A section for the righteous (Abraham’s bosom), and a section for the wicked.
Why did Jesus then descend into hell?
To exercise His authority over death and ascend back into heaven with a host of captives.
How did it happen that some of the saints in Jerusalem were resurrected at the time of the resurrection of Christ?
On the way to heaven, some of the saints participated in an early resurrection.
Why did Jesus ascend into heaven immediately after (on the same day as) His resurrection?
To offer his resurrection body to the Father as the firstfruits of the resurrection
What is one of the chief factors that makes Christianity unique when compared with other religions?
It’s the only religion based on a leader with an empty tomb.
How important is the resurrection of Christ to the New Testament?
Very important. It was recored in all 4 gospels, referred to over 100 times in the New Testament, and New Testament writers linked the death and resurrection.
What are some of the ways the Old Testament anticipated the resurrection of Christ?
Through the offering of Isaac, the three days and nights of Jonah in the fish, and through the clear prophesies of the resurrection.
What was Jesus’ view of His own resurrection?
He prophesied of His own resurrection.
How important is the resurrection to the Gospel? Why?
The resurrection was necessary to fulfill the plan for redemption and it was a sign that Jesus was qualified to die for our sins.
What is the only thing that conquers death?
What are some of the false theories of the resurrection of Christ?
- Swoon theory
- Theft theory
- Hallucination theory
- Ghost theory
- Fraud theory
- Myth theory