Lesson Three Vocabulary Flashcards
artha- (m.)
meaning, purpose, benefit, wealth, object, thing, matter, affair
asau (pron. m/f)
that (m/f Nom Sg of asau/adas-)
bhadanta- (m.)
a term of respect for a senior monk, Venerable
bhava- (m.)
becoming, existence, an existent
bikṣu-bhāva- (m.)
state of being a monk, monkhood
bikṣu-saṅgha- (m.)
gathering of monks, community
of monks
bodha- (m.)
understanding, enlightenment (= bodhi)
dharma-vinaya- (m.)
doctrine-discipline, the totalty of the Buddha’s teachings, the Buddhist tradition
eṣaḥ (m. demon. pron.)
this (m. Nom Sg. of eṣaḥ/etad-)
eṣā- (f. demon. pron.)
this (f. Nom Sg. of eṣaḥ/etad-)
gṛha- (m.)
house, home
jīva- (m.)
Life Principle
kāla- (m.)
(the right) time
kāla-samaya- (m.)
time, temporal juncture, temporal stage
some,/certain (m. Nom Pl of kaḥ (question pron) + cit
mantra- (m.)
a spell; mahā-mantraḥ: great spell
māṇava- (m.)
youth, lad
pañca-skhandāḥ (m.)
five heaps/aggregates (m. Nom Pl)
piṇḍa- (m./n.)
lump, ball, alms-food for the monks
rāja-gṛha- (m.)
City in India
saḥ (m. Pron.)
he, it, this, that (m. Nom Sg of saḥ/tad-)
sahāyaka- (m.)
companion, friend, adherent, assistant
samyak-saṃbuddha- (m.)
Perfectly Fully Enlightened One, a
perfect Buddha
uttara- (m., adj.)
- a name; 2. adj. upper, higher, superior, north, left (vs right)
vigama- (m.)
going away, departing
vinaya- (m.)
monastic discipline
adhivacana- (n.)
appellation, name, near-synonym
ākāśa- (n.)
space, sky
amithyatva- (n.)
non-falsehood, being not false
arhattva- (n.)
arhat-hood, the state of being an arhat
a-sattva- (n.)
non-existence, absence, the fact of being non-existent
asti-tva- (n.)
existence, the fact of being existent; sarva-kāla-astitvam: alltime existence [of dharma-s]
ā-varaṇa- (n.)
hindrance, obstruction
buddhatva- (n.)
state/fact of being enlightened, Buddha-hood, Buddha-nature
darśana- (n.)
seeing, vision, view
etat (m. demon. pron.)
this (one), that (m. Nom Sg eṣaḥ/etad-)
jñāna- (n.)
maraṇa- (n.)
na-astitva-/nāstitva (n.)
nagara- (n.)
city, town
nama- (n.)
obeisance, homage, salutation
pari-śodhana- (n.)
pramāṇa- (n.)
measure, standard, criterion, authority, a means of knowledge, validity
prati-śaraṇa- (n.)
reliance, support, basis
sapta-ratna- (n.)
seven jewels
saptaratna-paripūrṇa- (adj.)
(completely) filled with the seven jewels
satya- (n.)
sthāna- (n.)
point, matter, staying, place, station, state, situation, case, occasion,
sā (f. 3rd Pers Nom Sg Pron)
it, she, this, that
tat (n. 3rd Pers Nom Sg)
it, that, this
upādāna- (n.)
Grasping, clinging upa-ā-√dhā; MW: the act of taking for one’s self, appropriating to one’s self. (upā-dāna) [MBh. etc);
vyañjana- (n.)
letter, syllable
ātma-saṃjñā- (f.)
notion of a Self
avidyā- (f.)
dharmatā- (f.)
nature of a dharma; absolute reality; nature of things
gañgā- (f.)
river; River Ganges
jarā- (f.)
old-age; decay
jīva-saṃjñā- (f.)
notion of a life principle
māyā- (f.)
illusion, trick
pāramitā- (f.)
perfection; MW: coming or leading to the opposite shore; attainment, perfection (in comp); transcendent virtue
pāramita- (adj.)
MW: gone to the opposite shore; crossed, traversed; transcendent
pra-kṛti- (f.)
nature, fundamental nature, fundamental form
pudgala-saṃjñā- (f.)
notion/idea of a person
prajñā- (f.)
understanding, wisdom
prajñā-pāramita- (adj)
wisdom-perfection, perfection of wisdom
pra-vrajyā- (f.)
going forth, renouncing the worldly, admission into the Buddhist order
saṃjñā- (f.)
idea, notion, concept, name
sarva-jñatā- (f.)
all-knowledge, omniscience; MW defines jñatā- (f.) as intelligence; Jñatā- (adj.) ifc. as knowledge
śūnyatā- (f.)
tathatā- (f.)
suchness, reality
upa-saṃpat- (f.)
going forth, renouncing the worldly, admission into the Buddhist order (full ordination); MW: sam-√pad (in some forms a participle); become full or complete
vālukā- (f.)
vedanā- (f.)
sensation, feeling, pain; MW: vedana- n. feeling, sensation, perception, knowledge; vedanā- f. pain, torture, agony
a-bhavya- (adj.)
not to be/become, unlikely to be, improper, unfit, impossible, unable
a-kṣaya- (adj.)
anya- (adj)
different, another, other, other than, different from; anya X … anya Y = X
is one thing, Y is another (/different) thing
a-trasta- (adj)
(√tras I/IV, ‘tremble’; trasta: ‘frightened’) unafraid, not trembling
a-paryanta- (adj)
boundless, unbounded, unlimited
a-pramāṇa- (adj)
a-vi-ni-pāta-dharman- (adj)
of the nature of not falling
down into
a-vi-ni-pāta-dharmin- (adj)
of the nature of not falling
down into
gambhīra- (adj)
deep, profound
jāty-andha- (adj)
blind from birth
katama- (pron. adj)
who/which, who/which among many (/ of two)