Lesson One Flashcards
What are the key parts of a nuclear family
Heterosexual based of love
Male is the instrumental role (breadwinner)
Female is the expressive role (care giver)
Children are a product of love
They have to be married
What is Murdocks idea of the family
It’s a social group characterised by a common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. It contains adults of both sexes, two of them must maintain a socially accepted sexual relationship with one or more child biologically or adopted
Even though Murdock classes himself as a functionalist, why does his theory not work with society today
He doesn’t include divorced families, homosexuals, those that don’t want children or lone parent families
What is the modern definition of the family
A couple whose relationship is based on marriage, civil partnership or cohabitation, with or without dependant children or a lone parent with or without a child
What are the different types of marriage
Monogamy- one husband one wife
Serial monogamy- a series of single marriages( divorcing and getting back together)
Arranged marriage
Polygamy- the overall term for having more husbands or wives
Polygyny- one husband multiple wives
Polyandry- one wife multiple husbands
What is Murdocks theory of the family
Murdock believes the nuclear family is universal, the corner stone and heart of society
What are murdocks four functions
Reproduction- continues the family, sign of parents love, creates people for jobs allowing society to continue
Sexual- creates a strong emotional bond, controls population and prevents social disruption
Economic- children are dependant on the farther making him go to work, the farther then fills essential roles as he’s under pressure to work
Education- helps socialise people, allows decent humans beings
What is parsons theory of the family
Parson says the nuclear family comes to specialise in performing two basic irreducible functions (making him a functionalist)
What are parsons two functions
Primary socialisation- the first state of socialisation for children done by the parents. The first stage is the internalisation of the society’s culture making sure the child has a valued consensus. The second stage is structuring of the personality where it’s moulded by the central values of the culture
The stabilisation of adult personalities (SOAP)- this is also known as the warm bath theory where the family should relieve the stress of modern day living for its adult members. This then makes them refreshed for more work the next day, like how having a warm bath revitalises you.
What are the reasons for support and criticisms of the functionalist family
Support- it’s still the most common family type, it’s more exclusive, lots of people still aspire the that type of family.
Criticism- there more family diversity, there’s no pressure to have children, it’s a rose tinted view downplaying the dark side of families.
What is parsons functional fit theory
Parson believes the typical nuclear family has evolved through time to fit the specific needs of the society
What’s the difference between a pre-industrial family compared to now (post-industrial)
Pre-industrial- extended family, ascribed status, unit of production.
Post industrial- isolated nuclear family, achieved status, unit of sonsumption