Lesson of April 16, 2024 Flashcards
What is “défini” in English?
Exemple: Je n’ai pas de programme défini.
Example: I don’t have a definite plan.
What is “près de” or “proche de” in English?
close to
near (no preposition)
Deauville is close to Rock-Forest.
Deauville is near Rock-Forest.
What is “s’entrainer” in English?
Exemple: I ………… 4-5 times a week.
work out
I train 4-5 times a week.
I work out 4-5 times a week.
I exercise 4-5 times a week.
What is “simultanément” in English?
What is “communautaire” in English?
A ……………… fitness program is more expensive than Beachbody sometimes.
A community fitness program is more expensive than Beachbody sometimes.
What is “pour faire en sorte que ça vaille la peine” in English?
Example: The membership is not expensive but ……………………., you have to train 3 times a week.
To make it worth it.
Example: The membership is not expensive but to make it worth it. you have to train 3 times a week.
What is “distraire” or “déconcentrer” in English?
Example: Whoops! Sorry! I was ………….. by an email I received while you were speaking so I didn’t hear your question. Can you repeat?
Example: Whoops! Sorry! I was distracted by an email I received while you were speaking so I didn’t hear your question. Can you repeat?
What is “dans les délais prévus”, “en retard” or “en avance” when talking about the advancement of a project?
On schedule
Behind schedule
Ahead of schedule
What is “chantier de construction” in English?
Construction site
Building site
What is “démolir” in English?
Exemple: Ils vont démolir le bâtiment existant bientôt.
tear down
knock down
They’re going to demolish the existing building.
They’re going to tear down the existing building.
They’re going to knock down the existing building.
What is in English:
Journalier / quotidien
Journalier / quotidien = daily
hebdomadaire = weekly
mensuel = monthly
annuel = yearly / annual