Lesson 9: Steps for Data Collection Flashcards
What is traditionally studied (sites or individuals) in Narrative Research?
Single individual, accessible, and distinctive by their stories of experience
What is traditionally studied (sites or individuals) in Phenomenology?
Multiple individuals who have experienced the phenomenon
What is traditionally studied (sites or individuals) in Grounded Theory?
Multiple individuals who have responded to an action or participated in a process about a central phenomenon
What is traditionally studied (sites or individuals) in Ethnography?
Members of a culture-sharing group or individuals representative of the group
What is traditionally studied (sites or individuals) in a Case Study?
A bounded system, such as a process, an activity, an event, a program, or multiple individuals
Which research traditionally studies single individual, accessible, and distinctive by their stories of experience?
Narrative Research
Which research traditionally studies multiple individuals who have experienced the phenomenon?
Which research traditionally studies multiple individuals who have responded to an action or participated in a process about a central phenomenon?
Grounded Theory
Which research traditionally studies members of a culture-sharing group or individuals representative of the group?
Which research traditionally studies a bounded system, such as a process, an activity, an event, a program, or multiple individuals?
Case Study
What are the typical access and rapport procedures (access and rapport) for Narrative Research?
Gaining permission from individuals obtaining access to information in archives.
What are the typical access and rapport procedures (access and rapport) for Phenomenology?
Finding people who have experienced the phenomenon.
What are the typical access and rapport procedures (access and rapport) for Grounded Theory?
Locating a homogenous sample.
What are the typical access and rapport procedures (access and rapport) for Ethnography?
Gaining access through the gatekeeper, gaining the confidence of informants.
What are the typical access and rapport procedures (access and rapport) for Case Study?
Gaining access through the gatekeeper, gaining the confidence of informants
What is the study whose typical access and rapport procedures are gaining permission from individuals, obtaining access to information in archives?
Narrative Research.
What is the study whose typical access and rapport procedures are finding people who have experienced the phenomenon?
What is the study whose typical access and rapport procedures are locating a homogeneous sample?
Grounded Theory
What is the study whose typical access and rapport procedures are gaining access through the gatekeeper, gaining the confidence of informants?
What is the study whose typical access and rapport procedures are gaining access through the gatekeeper, gaining the confidence of participants?
Case Study
How does one select a site or individuals to study (purposeful sampling strategies) in a Narrative Research?
Several strategies, depending on the person (e.g., convenient, politically important, typical, a critical case)
How does one select a site or individuals to study (purposeful sampling strategies) in Phenomenology?
Finding individuals who have experienced the phenomenon, a “criterion” sample
How does one select a site or individuals to study (purposeful sampling strategies) in Grounded Theory?
Finding a homogeneous sample, a “theory-based” sample, a “theoretical” sample
How does one select a site or individuals to study (purposeful sampling strategies) in Ethnography?
Finding a cultural group to which one is a “stranger,” a “representative” sample
How does one select a site or individuals to study (purposeful sampling strategies) in a Case Study?
Finding a “case” or “cases,” an “atypical” case, or a “maximum variation” or “extreme” case
What study has several strategies, depending on the person when it comes to the process of select a site or individuals to study?
Narrative Research
What study finds individuals who have experienced the phenomenon, a “criterion” sample, when it comes to the process of select a site or individuals to study?
What study finds a cultural group to which one is a “stranger,” a “representative” sample when it comes to the process of select a site or individuals to study?
What study finds a homogeneous sample, a “theory-based” sample, a “theoretical” sample when it comes to the process of select a site or individuals to study?
Grounded Theory
What study finds a “case” or “cases,” an “atypical” case, or a “maximum variation” or “extreme” case when it comes to the process of select a site or individuals to study?
Case Study
What type of information is typically collected (forms of data) in a Narrative Research?
Documents and archival material, open-ended interviews, subject journaling, participant observation, casual chatting, typically a single individual
What type of information is typically collected (forms of data) in a Phenomenology?
Interviews with a range of people (e.g. 5 to 25)
What type of information is typically collected (forms of data) in a Grounded Theory?
Primarily interviews with 20 to 30 people to achieve detail in the theory
What type of information is typically collected (forms of data) in a Grounded Theory?
Primarily interviews with 20 to 30 people to achieve detail in the theory
What type of information is typically collected (forms of data) in a Case Study?
Extensiveforms, such as documents and records, interviews, observation, and physical artifacts for 1
to 4 cases
What research approach typically collects documents and archival material, open-ended interviews, subject journaling, participant observation, casual chatting; typically a single individual?
Narrative Research
What research approach typically collects interviews with a range of people (e.g., 5
to 25)?
What research approach typically collects primarily interviews with 20 to 30 people to achieve detail in the theory?
Grounded Theory
What research approach typically collects participant observations, interviews, artifacts, and documents of a single culture- sharing group?
How is information recorded in Narrative Research?
Notes, interview protocol