Lesson 8c Flashcards
majority of salmonellae of veterinary importance belong to
Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica
main route of infection in salmonellosis
Salmonella colonize and persists in the ____ of pigs
In poultry, some serotypes such as ______ infect the ovaries
Salmonella enteritidis
virulence of Salmonella serotypes relates to their ability to invade and replicate in ……….
epithelial cells
long polar fimbriae which enables it to adhere to intestinal mucosae (Peyer’s patches or M cells)
Salmonella localize in these locations
- ileum
- caecum
- colon
- mesenteric lymph nodes
etiologic agent of abortion in sheep
Salmonella brandenburg
effect of salmonella thyphimurium in animal species
enterocolitis and septacemia
cause enterocolitis and septacaemia in pigs
Salmonella choleraesuis
cause enterocolitis and septicaemia in dogs, horses, sheep
Salmonella dublin
etiologic agent of bacillary white diarrhea
Salmonella pullorum
cause fowl typhoid in adult birds
Salmonella arizonae
Joint ill with infection of Salmonella dublin may follow (2)
- septicaemia
- umbilical infection
Intermittent fever, soft feces and gradual weight loss leading to emaciation are
common features of this condition
Enteric salmonellosis
occur in all age groups but is most common in
calves, in neonatal foals and in pigs less than 4 months of age
Septicemic salmonellosis
septicemic salmonellosis is intercurrent infection with this viral disease
Swine fever
In pigs with septicemic Salmonella choleraesuis infection, there is a bluish discoloration of the ……..
ears and snout
can infect the ovaries of hens and can be transmitted through eggs that may pose public health hazard
Salmonella Pullorum, Salmonella Gallinarum and Salmonella Enteritidis
affects young chicks and turkey poults up to 2 to 3 weeks of age with high mortality rate
Pullorum disease or bacillary white diarrhea
can produce lesions in young chicks and poults similar to those of pullorum disease
fowl typhoid
name given to infections of poultry by non- host-adapted salmonellae