Lesson 8 Flashcards
The envoronment can have different market conditions which can affect firms in different ways. Through the years, economists have identified characteristics of firms and categorized them into mainly 4 structures:
- Perfect Competition
- Monopolistic Completion
- Oligopoly
- Monopoly
Many firms sell the same goods or service.
Perfect Competition
Perfect competition, as economists wistfully point out, is an _____ of affairs, whicih unfortunately, does not exist in any industry
ideal state
______ attains the ideal of always being right.
Perfect Competition
Perfect Competition will be considered an ______ by which the other forms of competition-monompoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly- will be judged.
unattainable standard
Is a market structure ith many well-informed sellers and buyers of an identical products and no barriers to entering or leaving the market.
Perfect Competition
Perfect competition is a market structure composed of 3 characteristics
- Large number of small firms
- Homogeneous or identical product
- Very easy entry and exit
Under _____, the exact numbeer cannot be determined
Perfect Competition
One of the characteristics of a perfectly competitive market is its composition of many firms and buyers, which means there is a large number of independently-acting firms and buyers, both of which are being suffeciently small to be unable to influence the price od product ttransacted in the market.
Large number of small firms
Each firm or producer acts independently rather than coordinating decisions collectively.
Large number of small firms
In a perfectly competitive market, the products offered by the competing firms are ___ not inly in physical attributes but are also refarded as identical by buyers who have no preference between the products of various producers.
Homogeneous or identical product
All firms produce a standarized or ___ products.
Those who buy the products cannot distinguish what one seller offers from what another seller offers.
Homogeneous or identical product
This means that there are no barriers to entry of new sellers or impediments to the exit of existing sellers.
Very easy entry and exit
New firms do not have barrirs to entri while existing firms can readily leave the market without difficulty.
Veyr easy entry and exit
In the real world, however, no market exactly fits the 3 assumptions of perfect competition. TRUE OR FALSE
The perfectly competitive market structure is only a ______ but some actual markets do approximate the model fairly closely.
theoretical or ideal model
Typical example of perfect competition is the ___
Agriculture sector
The perfect competitior faces a _____, or ____, demand curve.
horizontal or perfectly elastic
The _____ is the point at which supply and demand curves cross
market price
As a perfect competitor, you are a price _____, not a price _____.
. The ____ is where market demand is equal to market supply.
market price
_____ is very good for consumers because they can buy at cost.
Perfect competition
When the economy is perfectly competitive, the act of competing means that not everyone can have everything he desires, as one loses out to the competition.
Pareto optimality and efficiency
The concept of________ comes to play to settle this inefficiency
Pareto optimality
Named after ______ , an Italian economist who specialized in resource and income allocation, the concept states that an economy optimal or efficient when no further changes in the economy can make one individual better off without making someone else worse off
Vilfredo Pareto
________ is an allocative efficiency which occurs when the value that consumers place on goods or service equals the cost of the factor resourced utilized in the production.
Pareto optimality
Different sets of resource allocation exist so when a change in the initial allocation that makes one individual better off while not making another worse off. This is called a __________.
Pareto improvement
Monopolistic competition is a type of market structure characterized by 3
- Many small firms
- differentiated products
- easy market entry and exit
________ is formed by high number of firms producing similar goods that can be seen as unique due to differentiation, this market structure allow prices to go higher than marginal costs.
monopolistic competition
This means that each producer will be considered as a ________ but the whole market is considered competitive because the degree of differentiation still considers the possibility of having substitution effect.
Monopolistically competitive market is comprised of a large number of independently-acting firms and buyers
many small sellers
_______ is the process of creating real or apparent differences between goods and services sold in the market
Product differentiation
The products offered by competing firms under a monopolistically competitive market are differentiated from each other in one or more respects. In fact, this is the key feature of monopolistic competition.
Differentiated product
A ________ has close, but not perfect, substitutes.
differentiated product
The importance of this viewpoint, therefore, is that consumers are willing to pay a slightly high price for Don Pedro’s seafood.
Product differentiation
_________, rivalry centers on non- price factors in addition to price competition.
monopolistic competition
_________, a firm in this type of market structure competes using marketing strategies like advertising, packaging, product development and innovation, better quality, and better service rather than simply lowering price.
non-price competition
___________ is an important characteristic of monopolistic competition that distinguishes it from perfect competition and monopoly.
The most common form of non-price competition is _______.
In a _________, there are no barriers to entry preventing new firms entering the market or obstacles in the way of existing firms leaving the market.
monopolistically competitive market
unlike a _____, firms in a ________ face low barriers to entry.
monopolistically competitive market