Lesson 7 Flashcards


Discuss the phrase “abomination of desolation” in the Olivet Discourse


5. Destruction of the Tempel v14 – 21
a. Abomination of Desolation v14
i. Comes from Dan 11:31 (Old Temple) Epiphanies
ii. Luke 21:20 – Luke describes what he thinks Ab/Des means. When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you know the desolation is near.
iii. Geographical references v14 – 19
1. Leaving Judah
2. Leaving the mountains
3. Wow to woman who are pregnant
iv. Dead Sea Scrolls
1. Hidden before Roman Army came in destroy the books
2. Qumran community hid the scrolls
b. Reference to A.D. 70 – answers the first question given to Jesus.

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Summarize the various views and positions of the Olivet Discourse. Evaluate each view


Dr. Kruger View:
b. Context
i. The Immediate and Broader Context is about the destruction of the Temple.
ii. Chapters 11-12: Conflict with temple authorities, “cleanses” the temple as a sign of God’s judgement
iii. OT anticipates God’s judgement on the temple (e.g., Jer 7:12-14; Mal 3:1-3)
iv. The destruction will come because of Christ’s death
v. Thus, in many ways this is a farewell discourse

** Key to Interpretation**
i. V.4: Two distinct questions (see Matt 24:3)
ii. The Phrase: “these/all things”
iii. Bracket around vv. 4-23; referred back to again in vv. 29-30
iv. Seems to refer to the time of trials and tribulations (including destruction of the temple) before Christ’s second coming

** Chiastic structure of vv.4-23**
i. False Messiahs (13:5-6)
1. Trials and Tribulations (General) (13:7-8)
a. Persecutions (13:9-11)
2. Trials and Tribulations (temple destruction) (13:14-21)
ii. False Messiahs (13:21-23)

** Outline**
i. Mk 13:5-23 Interadvent Period
ii. Mk 13:24-27 The Parousia/Second Coming
iii. Mk 13:28-32 When will the Parousia/Second Coming take place?
iv. Mk 13:33-37 Be on Guard!

f. Other views
i. T. Colani (1864) “Little Apocalypse”
1. Jesus never taught the Olivet Discourse
2. Circulated independent and then attributed to Jesus.
3. Little to no following

ii. Lagrange, Zahn
1. Futurist view – All about future
2. All related to 2nd coming.
3. Destruction of temple is not in play.
4. Problems
a. Too many things point to the temple.
b. Contrary to Christian teaching at the time
c. Have to believe that Jesus ignored His disciples questions.

iii. Alexander, R.T. France, R.C. Sproul
1. Preterest view
2. All présent (A.D. 70)
3. Not future at all.
4. Problems
a. Imagery in 24-27 points to future
b. Refers to Jesus’ visible return. Would have to consider it symbolic
c. How was the Elect gathered from the 4 corners of the world in A.D. 70
d. Almost have two returns

iv. Dispensational, John Walvoord
1. All Future
2. 5 – 23 – tribulation
3. 24 – 31 Second coming
4. 32 -37 Secret rapture
5. Problems:
a. 5 – 23 Jesus is using imperatives saying these apply to those hearing Jesus
b. Never answers the questions that Jesus is asked. (Those Stones)
i. Jesus goes into future immediately
c. Rapture – 32 – 37; (Left Behind)
i. One taken and One left – Refers to the second coming and the gathering of the elect.

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What is the “problem” concerning the ending of mark’s Gospel? What are the various views on the ending? Give evidence for each view.


2. Long Ending
a. Intro
b. Arguments for authenticity
i. External
1. Manuscripts
a. 95% of all MSS have the Long Ending
b. However, most are from Medieval period
2. Codex Vaticanus has blank space after Mark 16:8 suggesting scribe knew long ending
3. Patristic references
a. Justin Martyr (1 Apol. 45) may have alluded to a portion of Mark 16:20 but it is disputed.
b. Irenaeus (Haer. 3.10.5) cites Mark 16:20 suggesting he knew the longer ending
ii. Internal: Matching style (e.g., John Burgon, William Farmer, Maurice Robinson)

c. Argument against authenticity (Most scholars)
i. External
1. Manuscripts
a. Earliest MSS lack the Long Ending (e.g., Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus) <Earlier>
b. Early translations has short ending
2. Patristic references: Ex. Eusebius, Jerome
a. Affirm short ending
ii. Internal
1. v8 has woman as subject where v9 has Jesus has subject and use HE
2. Mary is introduced in v9 as if she was not referenced earlier
3. Reference to poison and snakes
4. Theory that Marks long ended was composed from the other gospels.
iii. Extensive non-Markan vocab that is taken from other three gospels
iv. Out of place descriptions and languages
d. Key Question: Which reading best explains the rise of the other readings? Or, is it more likely scribes would delete these verses (9-20) or add them?</Earlier>

e. Concluding Questions
i. Did Mark intend to end his Gospel at v.8?
1. No: The original could be lost
2. Yes: Theological reasons
ii. Does the existence of the long ending challenge our belief in inerrancy?
1. NO – difference between what Mark said (inerrancy) and what is translated later
iii. Should we preach from the long ending?
1. Can explain the long ending but not preach the long ending.

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What is the structure of Mark

  1. Prologue (1:1-15)
  2. Galilean Ministry (1:16-8:30)
  3. Passion of Christ (8:31-16:8)
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