Lesson 6 - Production Systems Flashcards
What is the function of a Cognitive Architecture?
It’s a function that maps a perceptual history into an action.
f: P* -> A
- Where the asterisk stands for the history of percepts
- The tasks of cognitive agents is to select an action.
What are the levels of cognitive architectures?
Task/Knowledge Level
- Highest Level
- Ex: selecting a pitch, playing baseball
- Content for below
Algorithm / Symbol Level
- Ex: means-ends analysis, semantic networks
- Architecture for above
- Content for below
Hardware / Implementation Level
- Ex: a brain, a transistor
- Architecture for above
What is Behavior?
Behavior = Architecture + Content
What is an example of a Cognitive Architecture for Production Systems?
- Consists of long term memory and working memory
- Working memory changes often, long term memory doesn’t.
- 3 kinds of long term memory:
1) Procedural -> how to do certain things - Represented in the form of production rules.
2) Semantic -> generalizations
3) Episodic -> Evens
What is Action Selection?
It’s the process of creating a decision tree and setting up the state space, operators, and the corresponding features/values.
What is chunking?
Occurs when there is an impasse. To break the impasse, SOAR will attempt to learn a rule by pulling from “Episodic” knowledge.