Lesson 6-How successful was the Third Five Year Plan 1962-5, in solving the industrial and agricultural problems in China? Flashcards
Define revisionism.
A term of criticism used by communists to describe any course of action they believed betrayed communist principles
What was the Emergency Directive?
Emergency law delivered from November 1960 which allowed villagers to keep private plots of land and engage in side occupations, restoring local markets
What is a commune?
Organised regions where collectives were grouped
What is a collective?
Areas where the peasants farmed communally rather than for themselves individually
Define yield.
To produce or provide a product of some kind
Define Capitalist.
Using wealth to invest in trade and industry for profit
Define ‘being pragmatic’ in the CCP.
CCP members who believed that policies should be adjusted according to circumstances rather than being slavishly followed for ideological reasons
Define centralised.
Concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority
What was the 7000 Cadres Conference?
Conference called in January 1962 in which Mao accepts some blame for the Great Famine
Define ‘Continuing Revolution’.
The idea that revolution should be an ongoing process
What is mass mobilisation?
A process that engages and motivates a wide range of partners and allies at national and local levels
Between what years was the Third Five-Year Plan?
As more reports of high provincial (state) death tolls filtered up the leadership, what did Mao do?
Became open to modifying the approach.
Rather than admit personal responsibility, a campaign was launched to overthrow the management of communes and root out corrupt elements.
When was the emergency directive passed?
November 1960
What did the emergency directive allow villagers to do?
Keep private plots of land and engage inside occupations as well as farming
What happened to local markets?
Were restored
Depending on how far local leaders were ready to go to solve problems, what could happen to the communal system?
Could be dismantled
Who was the plan/ner of maybe dismantling the communal system
Li Fuchun-managed to present findings without incurring Mao’s wrath
During the Third FYP, what role did Liu Shaoqi have in the PRC?
During the Third FYP, what role did Deng Xiaoping have in the PRC?
General Secretary
In 1962, what did Mao call on President Liu Shaoqi and General Secretary Deng Xiaoping to do?
Take responsibility of restoring food production levels and ending chaos in the countryside
What were many communes broken up into?
Smaller collectives of 30 households-much like early co-operatives
Some villagers/peasants reverted entirely to private farming.
True or false?
What were villagers rewarded from when communes were broken up into smaller collectives of 30 households?
Individual output
What happened to city dwellers in order to restore food production levels and end chaos in the countryside?
25 million of them were forced to move to the countryside to aid with this
What was Mao’s ideological fanaticism (zeal/love) replaced with to solve the problems?
Economic realism
What happened, in regards to imports, in 1961?
Massive grain imports arranged from Canada, Australia and even the USA
By what year had production levels reach the levels they had been in 1957 (before the GLF)?
Until what year did imports remain high?
When did the PRC begin to retreat from the GLF and when did it speed up?
Began to retreat =late 1960
Sped up = 1962
What was Mao unhappy and at unease with during this time?
Unhappy that people had rejected the communes and uneasy that a reversion to capitalism was harming the basis of his reputation
Who was in charge of the Third FYP?
Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping
What did Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping allow to happen?
Breaking of communes and closing down of thousands of inefficient projects
Who was involved in putting together a pragmatic approach?
Chen Yun
What did the Third FYP bring back?
Centralised control
Who was back in favour during the Third FYP?
What happened to financial incentives at this time?
Were restored
What were some of the positive results of the Third FYP?
Agriculture increased to 1957 levels
Oil and natural gas production rocketed
Manufactured goods produced in much greater quantities
Mao welcomed the changes as a result of Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping’s reforms but was unwilling to do what?
Acknowledge they happened as a result of their new policies
What did Mao describe the new policies as?
Dangerous revisionism
What did Mao do to prevent any further drift from Communist principles after the new policies?
Called 7000 Cadres Conference in January 1962
What did Liu go on to suggest to Mao while praising him for his correct leadership?
That he should share some of the blame for the famine
Upon Liu’s suggestion that Mao should take some blame for the famine, what did Mao do?
Mao accepted responsibility as chairman but stopped short of taking direct blame