Human life comes from God. He is the one who created us and sustained our existence through His Spirit. In our every breath, we breathe the Spirit of Life. We continue to live. When our human race had come to the point of eternal damnation for choosing evil, He sent His only begotten Son to save us.
Human life comes from God and is freely given by God. He is the One who created us and sustained our
existence through His Spirit.
Human Life is a “gift”
We have to remain humble before God’s creation and realize it as His masterpiece. It comes from Him who is eternal.
Human life is a “mystery”
“God created man in His own image and likeness”. It is His
breathe, Holy Spirit that keeps us alive.
Human life is “sacred”
Forbids direct attacks
on human life and physical integrity. It does not only command us not to violate
human life.
Fifth Commandment “Thou shall not kill”
What are the threats to Human Life?
- Anger
- Murder
- Abortion
- Euthanasia
- Suicide
- Substance Abuse
- Avoid all occasions that might endanger our physical and spiritual health.
- Organ Transplant
The transplant of organs is morally acceptable if the organs are legally taken from dead bodies, or from living donors with their explicit consent.
Organ Transplant
It is the practice of dangerous or illegal activities that expose
human life to mortal danger without a serious reason.
It is the excessive consumption of food, which brings about obesity, sickness and early death.
It is the refusal to perform physical activity, which causes health deterioration, spiritual laziness, and social apathy
The addiction to forbidden drugs is extremely dangerous for health and destructive for society. (Pirlo, 2016) Their ordinary victims are youths who are adventurous and desirous for new experience.
Illicit drugs
“Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health.” We can find this
reminder on every pack of cigarettes. Yet, many are still smoking. We know that smoking causes lung cancer, vascular diseases, and heart attacks, causing millions of deaths a year.
Medicine tells us that a small amount of alcohol is needed by our
bodies. However, when drinking liquor containing alcohol is abused, this
becomes sinful and dangerous.
Is the addictive consumption of any stuff harmful to the
individual and society, such as alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs.
Substance Abuse
Is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death.
Is the intentional termination of the life of a person deemed to be
handicapped, sick, or dying.
Is the deliberate killing of an unborn child, in whatever way or time from the moment of conception.
Is the unlawful and premeditated killing of a human being, and demands for divine vengeance.
Is a strong emotion of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a perceived danger or assault.
Types of Substance Abuse
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Illicit Drug