Lesson 6 Flashcards
Refers to the human experience and meaning of the interhuman encounter. It opens up to the nature of commitment, the value of others, and the reality of love as the highest form of recognition
Highest form of recognition
Can only be performed in freedom.
Is grounded in the willingness of the individual to share and fully realize the meaning of life by being with someone
True love
The interhuman relation speaks of two beings in the?
I-Thou relation
In this relation, one hopes to make the other complete
I-Thou relation
In this relation, things are of value because of the purpose that we put into them.
I-It relation
It is purely empirical
I-It relation
He writes that, “The essential problem of the sphere of the inter-human is the duality of being and seeming.”
Martin Buber
Buber explains that the reality of human existence proceeds from two things
What one really is and what one wishes to seem
For Buber, ____ are possessors of value.
To be precise, the human person is a ___ in itself
To ___ the human being is to value the human being in his or her being
Finds itself intertwined in social and political relations.
Our social existence is grounded in the basic idea of what
Our _______ ______ is grounded in the basic idea of mutuality
social existence
The name of the epoch-making essay of Charles Taylor
The Politics of Recognition