Lesson 51 p. 47 - 52 Flashcards
Describe the Covenanters
> Scottish nobles met in Edinburgh in December 1557 and covenanted together to combat idolatry of Roman Catholicism and establish the Word of God in Scotland
John Knox returned to Scotland to lead these Covenanters
What did John Knox prayed?
“Give me Scotland, or I die”
What did God allow John Knox to do in response to his prayer?
> In 1560, Knox led the Scottish Parliament, which outlawed the Roman Catholic mass and ended papal rule over the Scottish church
a new Scottish state church was formally established in 1567; it adhered to Reformation teachings and became known as the Kirk of Scotland (Presbyterian)
Describe the Presbyterian denomination
> had its beginning in Scotland
Church of Scotland, or Presbyterian Church, continues as Scotland’s official state church, though Scots can choose to have their own denominations
Explain how the English Reformation happened
> Lollards spread Wycliffe’s teachings across England, and English people favored separation of England from papal (Roman Catholic) control
Pope would not grant King Henry VIII permission to divorce so the king left Roman Catholicism and place the Protestant church as the highest church in England
Mary Tudor became queen and pushed Roman Catholicism
Elizabeth became England’s Protestant queen
pope excommunicated Elizabeth and sent Spanish Armada to recover England for Roman Catholicism
Protestants in England beat Catholics in Spain
How did Poland respond to the Protestant Reformation
In Poland, the Jesuits killed the Reformation
How did Italy respond to the Reformation
In Italy–the Inquisition squelched the Reformation.
How did Spain respond to the Protestant Reformation
In Spain–the Reformation made no headway
How did Scotland respond to the Protestant Reformation
In Scotland–the Presbyterian church owes much to John Knox, who led the Protestant Reformation out of the clutches of Romanism
How did England respond to the Protestant Reformation
In England–Henry VIII broke away from Rome in order to remarry, after which he declared himself (instead of the pope) to be the head of the church, thus forming the Church of England
How did Rome respond to the Reformation
As a response to the Protestant Reformation, Rome launched a counter movement called the Inquisition, using the sword to regain the lands and dominions lost to Protestantism.
What happened in the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre?
In the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572), more than 20,000 Huguenots were massacred under the order of the French king.
Who were probably the most fierce and cruel in their tactics?
Of the several Catholic organizations that took the lead in using the sword and underhanded tactics to regain power and influence for the Catholic church, the Jesuits, an order of priests, were probably the most cruel and fierce in their tactics. They were both feared and hated for their philosophy–“the end justifies the means”–known as Jesuit philosophy. In practice, it meant “to kill or torture is justifiable, if it is done for the cause of the church,” or “any scheme or crime, if done for the church, is acceptable and honorable.”
What was the first country to allow religious freedom for each person to belong to the church of his choice and to permit churches to control themselves rather than be under the authority of the state?
The United States of America was the first country to allow religious freedom for each person to belong to the church of his choice and to permit churches to control themselves rather than be under the authority of the state.
Who was the most famous persecuted Puritan?
John Bunyan was the most famous persecuted Puritan. He dared to preach the gospel without the sanction of the Church of England. As a result, he was imprisoned for over 10 years in Bedford Jail, where he wrote the famous allegory Pilgrim’s Progress, which influenced and blessed thousands of believers.
Who were Separatists (or Dissenters)?
Separatists (or Dissenters) were similar to Anabaptists in that they insisted on remaining “separate” from the state churches.
>they formed in Scrooby, England, in 1606,
>after suffering persecution, they fled to Leyden, Holland, in 1609
>in 1620, thirty-five members of the Leyden congregation, called Pilgrims, decided that the only way to save their children from wordly influences was to sail to the New World
>they established the colony of Plymouth
Who was Roger Williams?
> Puritan preacher with strong Baptist convictions
believed that church should not be controlled by state
his influence later caused the new American government to grant religious freedom to individuals as well as to churches