Lesson 48 p. 39 - 44 Flashcards
What describes the Reformation church?
The letter to the church at Sardis describes the Reformation church.
How did the Reformation era begin?
The Reformation era began with Martin Luther’s attempt to reform the Roman church by nailing the 95 Theses to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg.
What does Sardis imply?
The name Sardis implies “remnant”; the “remant” that came out of the Roman church characterized the church from A.D. 1500 to 1700.
The risen Lord did not command the church at Sardis, instead, what did He do?
Instead, He said, “Thou art dead,” and challenged the church to “Be watchful, and stengthen the things that remain,”
Sardis was the capital of what?
Sardis was the capital of the district of Lydia.
Why were the Protestants called “Protestants?” And why was this movement called the “Protestant Reformation?”
They protested the false doctrines and corruptions of the Roman church. Because of this they were called Protestants; the movement was named the Protestant Reformation because the protestors called for church reform.
List the doctrinal pillars of the Protestant Reformation
The doctrine pillars of the Protestant Reformation
(1) salvation by grace through faith
(2) the priesthood of every believer
(3) the supremacy of the Scriptures over church tradition
define monastery
monastery - Roman Catholic organization for priests and monks
Who was Tetzel?
In 1517, Tetzel, a representative of the pope, arrived in Wittenberg, Germany, to sell indulgences, which supposedly would exempt a person from purgatory for a given period of time. The money raised from the sale of indulgences would help build St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome.
define purgatory
purgatory - intermediary place of fiery punishment where the dead suffered for their sins until their loved ones on earth prayed (and also gave money to the church) for their release, or in the case of indulgences, time could be bought to shorten their punishment in purgatory
Where and when did Martin Luther nail his 95 Theses?
On October 31, 1517, as a monk and university professor, Martin Luther published 95 Theses against the false teachings of the church of Rome, and nailed the 95 Theses to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg.
What did the pope do when he learned what Martin Luther had done?
He demanded through Cardinal Cajetan at Ausburg that Luther recant (publicly retract his actions).
What did Martin Luther do in response to the pope demanding him to retract his 95 Theses?
He refused, and instead, distributed pamphlets and books attacking the pope’s corrupt practices. He promoted the Bible as the only authority for faith and practice.
What made it possible to quickly circulate Luther’s writings throughout Germany and the other countries of Europe?
The printing press made it possible to quickly circulate Luther’s writings throughout Germany and the other countries of Europe.
What did the pope do after Luther refused to recant?
In 1520, the pope sent Luther a letter called a papal bull, accusing him of heresy.
How did Martin Luther respond to the papal bull?
Luther burned the pope’s letter in the yard of the University of Wittenberg.
What was Luther’s famous reply when before the clergy, princes, and nobles assembled at the imperial diet?
“Unless I am refuted and convicted by the testimonies of the Scriptures or by clear arguments, my conscience is bound to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything. If you can disprove this by Scripture or give clear reason, I will. Otherwise, so help me, God, I cannot. Here I stand!
What happened to Luther after he gave his famous reply before the imperial diet?
He was excommunicated from the Catholic church and his books were ordered to be burned.
What happened to Luther after he gave his famous reply before the imperial diet?
He was excommunicated from the Catholic church and his books were ordered to be burned.