Lesson 50 Sentences Flashcards
Our laboratory cannot by any means recieve new equipment.
The time of service in the army is two years.
The warranty period of servicing our TV ends (I) in a month.
All our requests were in vain; the policeman did not agree to let us go
Children’s footwear is in big demand.
On the table stood brightly colored glasses and a beautiful glass vase.
Finally the infantry reached the shores of the river.
In the children’s shoe store there was not one pair of leather boots.
Our enterprise produces exceptional food.
Not far from our house a new service facility opened.
Where is the match? (I have) My cigarette lighter broke.
In rural areas there are very little enterprises in the sphere of servicing.
Did you go to wash yourself? Take a clean towel in the closet.
We simultaneously ended work.
A large amount of tourists arrive here in the summertime.
Commerce between Lithuania and Sweeden is developing successfully.
She had long thin fingers.
The institute ordered devices for the new laboratory.
This is a very interesting article about the latest achievements of medicine.
Our neighbor (f) sews excellently.
TV entered our lives.
The professor did not say anything in lectures about modern situation of medicine.
With which dye are you dying your hair?
They brought (by vehicle) new goods to our store.
Put on warm socks; it’s cold outside.
She obtained the key from her pocket and opened the door.
You at the factory use the new equipment poorly.
I don’t have an alarm clock, and I’m afraid to be late to work.
Do you think Volodin agreed with the department head? Completely the otherway around.
In this clock workshop works am excellent, experienced (skilled) craftsmen.
We recently repaired (overhauled) the apartment.
The sphere of servicing (service sector) in the Soviet Union is poorly developed.
- Did you pack handkerchiefs in the suitcase?
- Yes, but I will put (P) in several more items (handkerchiefs); you are always loosing them.
She does everything quietly without extra words.
Read this word the other way around.
The economic condition in the country contines to worsen.
It was not in a position to solve this problem.
Yesterday I gave out shoes to repair. (?)
He wrote a book on the subject of the history of domestically produced equipment.
We decided to carry out our project immediately.
You wait in vain; the director will not be (here) today.
You need to be able to use the dictionary.
Grandma put on (надела) a warm shawl and went to see us off.
The deficit of consumer (of wide demand) goods is not only an economical problem.
Do you not have any extra movie tickets?
The airplane disappeared in the clouds.
Military service members go shopping at the PX.
I shave with an electric razor.
There was a lot of bright fabric in the store.
Rear service (rear D) occupies the supply troops.
He carefully watched her through thick (glass) glasses.
I need to fix my razor.
She got (arranged herself while at) a temporary job. (?)