Lesson 46 Sentences Flashcards
We conduct chemical experiments in the lab. (experiments = gramatical subject)
The situation at the front is very serious. It is necessary to take extreme measures.
Everyone was smoking; there was a lot of smoke in the room.
Our new director is an experienced business leader.
We got (there) without incident.
Kushka (Serhetabat, Turkmenistan) is the southernmost point in the Soviet Union.
Hold the bag, I’ll knock on the door.
The fire burned all night.
On board the airplane were 175 passengers.
The 20 Kremlin towers were built in the 15th century.
Two were absent at the diseases (pathology) exam.
The husband works as an traffic controller at the railroad.
He lit a cigarette and began to smoke.
The leaves touched the water.
The children left for the movie theater, but we stayed home.
Asprin doesn’t work for me.
The ministers of foreign affairs were present at the meeting.
Such a result seems to me the only possibility “possible”.
A plane’s propeller is called “винт(ом)”.
To wait more is forbidden; it is necessary to act.
I need different sized screws.
There were victims during the plane crash.
On-board fires are burning on the plane’s wings.
The flight engineer helped the woman with the child to go down the emergency ramp.
The participation of this actor ensures the success of the show.
They did not jump anymore with a parachute.
Experience has shown that we were right.
I only had five rubles remaining.
He doesn’t like to sleep on his left side.
The make-up of the government was changed.
The tanks moved along the river.
They are building a fourth runway at the airfield.
The airplane hit the fog strip. (?)
- Who broke the chair?
- It broke on its own.
The flight radioman is located in the pilot’s cockpit.
This vehicle has a very strong engine.
I want to become a long-sailing navigator.
After the rain the grass on the bank was absolutely wet.