World War II began in ________ with German aggression on Poland
September 01, 1939
Two erstwhile enemies namely___________ and ________ had signed a non-aggression pact making way for Polish partition between two of them.
Germany and the Soviet Union
A few months before the outbreak of World War II, both _______and _______ had given guarantees to Poland assuring that in case of aggression on it, they would provide her with all possible assistance.
Britain and France
When all attempts to avoid war and protecting Poland had failed, Britain and France declared war on Germany on ___________
September 3, 1939
___________ remained neutral in the war for some time but finally joined the war on the side of Germany in June 1940.
After Germany had won decisive victories against several countries in Europe, it waged a war against the Soviet Union on ___________________
June 22, 1941.
The Paris Peace Conference lasted five months and was dominated by the ‘four big’ victorious powers namely??
Britain, France, Italy and the US
__________________An attempt was made in Paris Peace Conference, held after the First World War, in 1919 to establish an ideal world order based on justice, peace and disarmament.
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles was a punishing treaty imposed on Germany with the following??
(i) Article 231
held Germany guilty of war crimes.
(ii) It was forced to give up territory to
Belgium, Czechoslovakia and Poland, return Alsace and Lorraine to France and cede all of its overseas colonies in China, Pacific and Africa to the Allied nations.
(iii) Germany was asked to drastically reduce its armed forces, and not to have its air force. I
(iv) The Versailles Treaty redrew the borders
of Europe.
(v) Germany was asked to pay several billion in reparations for causing “civilian damages”.
The total reparations:
British economist _______________had found that Germany could not possibly pay so much in reparations without severe risks to the entire European economy.
John Maynard Keynes
After the Second World War, Germany was divided into states, what are the two states??
the capitalist Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Germany had paid only about one-eighth of what it owed when_________ came to power and refused to
pay any more of the reparations.
Britain, France, Soviet Union, USA
It was agreed at the _________________ that world peace could be ensured only if nations reduced their armaments to a point consistent with their domestic safety or defense.
Paris Peace Conference
The _______________ provided that in case of
aggression, members of the League, by their collective action, would compel the aggressor to withdraw. This collective action could either be in the form of economic sanctions against the aggressor, or military support to the victim of aggression or both.
Covenant of the League of Nations
site samples that the covenant of the league of nations was an ineffective organisation in respect of a big power if the latter decided to wage a war against, or annexe, a small country.
In 1931, Japan committed aggression
against China and by early 1932, managed to conquer Manchuria
in 1935 Italy waged a war against Abyssinia and in May 1936 formally annexed that country into Italian Empire.
World economic crisis began in ______ with sudden
stoppage of loans by the American financial houses to the European countries.
On_________ German commanders in northeast Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark
surrendered unconditionally; Nazi forces in Austria surrendered the next day.
May 5, 1945
The war in Europe was over on __________
May 8, 1945
Hitler Nazi dictator, who was once dreaming of ruling over the entire committed suicide on _____________
April 30, 1945
Hitler had nominated ___________ as his successor but he could do nothing to save the country.
______________ was passed in March 1941. It allowed the President to sell, exchange, end the lease or otherwise dispose off any defence article.
Lend-Lease Act
When the war broke out and Germany started bombing and destroying western democracies, Americans began weakening their neutrality stance. _______________ was passed in November 1939, permitting countries at war to buy American weapons provided they paid cash and carried them in their ships.
Cash and Carry Act
On ____________ the American Air Force dropped the first-ever atomic bomb on the important Japanese City of Hiroshima and wiped out more than half of the target area.
August 6, 1945
On _____________ a second atom bomb was dropped
on Nagasaki, unleashing unprecedented destruction.
August 9, 1945,
What year did the 2 states of germany were united??
____________ was held during July-August 1945 as a peace treaty after world war 2
The Potsdam (Berlin) Conference
The Potsdam Conference was attended by ??
Joseph Stalin,
Winston Churchill,
Chiang Kai-Shek
and the US President Harry Truman.
As in the First World War, ____________were
called upon by Britain to help in the war effort. The size of their army at its peak reached 2.5 million – making it the largest volunteer army in the
world. Approximately 89,000 of their army soldiers died fighting for the Empire.
Indian soldiers
The concept of Super Power developed only after the Second World War when some of the erstwhile big powers were overtaken in respect of power (capability)to influence the minds and actions of other states) by two countries, namely:
United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR, commonly known as the Soviet Union).