Lesson 5: Continuous Outcomes, Between Groups Differences Flashcards
One Sample t-test
A test that compares the mean score of a sample to a known value, typically the population mean
Independent Samples t-test
A test to determine the probability that the difference in two groups happened by chance. AKA student t-test or two sample t-test
The non-parametric equivalent of the student t-test (used for skewed or ordinal data &/or or small sample sizes)
Paired T-test
A test that examines the difference between paired values in two samples (ex: pre and post test)
Wilcoxon Matched-Pair test
The non-parametric equivalent of the paired t-test (used for skewed or ordinal data &/or or small sample sizes)
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
A test to determine the probability that the difference in three or more group means happened by chance
Kruskal Wallis One-Way ANOVA
The non-parametric equivalent of ANOVA
Bonferonni Correction
An approach to reducing the statistical significance level when multiple comparisons are made on the same set of data (adjusts for multiple comparisons by dividing alpha by the # comparisons made)
A one sample t-test compares..
A single sample mean to the population mean
An independent t-test compares..
the means of two INDEPENDENT samples to see if the difference between the two may have occured by chance
What can a post-hoc test tell us?
Post-hoc can identify which means are significantly different from each other after an ANOVA
Repeated Measures ANOVA..
compares the means of THREE or more dependent samples (ex: comparing the mean outcome of a group at 4 separate points in time)
What test would you use to examine the difference between three or more groups for a categorical outcome variable?
Chi-square should be used to compare groups on categorical outcomes. T-test and ANOVA are used for continuous outcomes.
Which test would you use to examine how three or more groups differ for a continuous outcome variable?
What do we do if we have n<30 but the data is still normal?
Even with a small data set, if the data is normal we can still use parametric tests.